Operation Liberation Update: SHAC UK National Demo
SHAC | 08.09.2009 17:47 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Sheffield
OPERATION LIBERATION – Saturday 26th September 2009, Starts 12 noon at the farm: http://www.shac.net/OperationLiberation, part of the Global Week of Action against animal lab breeders: http://www.shac.net/AnimalBreeders/index.html
Now it's time to show the farmer that this was the wrong decision to make – and that we won't stand by while he butchers and massacres innocent life. Be there and help us close this sickening animal farm!
The demonstration parking arrangements have now been finalised with Lincolnshire police. Please read through the instructions at: http://www.shac.net/OperationLiberation/Locations/index.html according to what transport you will be arriving at the demo. Highgate Lane will be closed off to all traffic and persons will be taken to the farm via shuttle minibus, so you will need to park at the parking area assigned for the demo - please do not drive direct to the farm. Car parking will be at a small Business Park, off Owmby Cliff Road, just west of Owmby where shuttle minibuses will take you to the demo, while coaches will drop off at the west end of Highgate Lane.
Can you help - If you are a minibus driver coming on the demo, please contact the campaign if you can help with shuttle runs to and from the demo.
If you'd like to share transport to the demo, there is more information about who to make contact with in your area at: http://www.shac.net/OperationLiberation/Locations/index.html
If you are going to the demo and have spare seats, or want a lift, do contact us if you can not find suitable transport contacts already mentioned on the website.
The demonstration will officially start at 12pm (finishing 5pm) and will be stationary outside the farm. Hot food and drinks will be provided by Veggies. There are no toilet facilities available. Don't forget to bring banners and placards, etc for the demo. Until all are free.
See you at the farm!
Updated information about the demo:
Coach map link:
Car map link: