Climate Camp reveals Swoop positions for Wednesday!
Swoop Da Woop | 24.08.2009 14:09 | Climate Chaos
The locations that have been announced are: the headquarters of oil majors Shell and BP; the Bank of England, where Ian Tomlinson was killed by police during April’s G20 protests; global mining giant Rio Tinto; the site of the 2012 Olympics; and the tube station where Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead by police in 2005.
At 12 noon on Wednesday, hundreds of activists are expected to gather at the starting positions for the swoop, where they will await text messages revealing the secret location of the Camp for Climate Action. They will then converge to build the site and take part in a week of workshops, direct action and sustainable living.
Although a number of the swoop locations are the same as ones included on an ‘action map’ [] that was published on the internet over the weekend, the swoop organisers have emphasized that on Wednesday these locations will only be used as sites to congregate for the swoop rather than for direct action.
Annie Watson, who will participate in the Swoop said: “Our starting positions represent the contradiction of maintaining a growth based economic model while trying to address the threat of climate change. Coal-fired power stations, fossil fuel-financing banks, crooked carbon traders, corporate projects that divert public money and displace communities – these are all pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that paints a very bleak picture for our long term survival on this planet. We need to move away from these problems and towards the types of real solutions that we are going to be discussing and putting into action at the Camp.”
Tim French, who is planning to join the Stockwell Underground Station swoop group said: “Police behaviour is rightly under scrutiny this week, but we refuse to help rehabilitate their reputation, knowing that many hundreds of people have died at the hands of the police, in custody and on the street, including Jean Charles De Menezes and Ian Tomlinson. Environmental activists are increasingly being criminalised for our actions, in the way that some communities experience on a daily basis. We are here today in solidarity with all those who have been affected by state violence.”
Exactly which "colour" groups have been designated which starting point will be explained on the Camp for Climate Action website very soon (
Swoop Da Woop
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