Back the All Out Strike in Stoke
toastie the postie | 18.08.2009 13:33 | Workers' Movements | Birmingham
taking all out continuous strike action in defence of jobs and national agreements.
For over two years the branch has been fighting against the transfer of its work to the Mail Centre in Wolverhampton.
The transfer of work from Stoke to Wolverhampton is due to take place in early
September. Management’s response has been;
No agreement sought to move the work – this is purely consultative
No exploration of members staying in Stoke through ‘bumping’ exercises as outlined in the
MTSF agreement
Only 18 full time jobs left in Stoke – all other Jobs are to go to Wolverhampton Mail Centre
The journey between Stoke and Wolves is an 80mile round trip
All workers have refused preference exercise, so all have been ‘placed’ on jobs—those jobs take no account of current working shifts and/or patters and include Tuesday to Saturday late shift (tue-fri 12.00 – 8.00pm, sat 11.00am – 7.00pm)
Workers told if they do not take up the offer on transfer then they will get ‘Voluntary’ redundancy
Professional Drivers told if they do not accept transfer they will be ‘sacking themselves’.
All appeals against placements to be heard by 14 HR managers from Royal Mail – no CWU
A national battle
The fight taking place in Stoke is a fight to protect a national agreement on how Royal Mail deals with change.
If they get away with in Stoke, then the bandwagon will keep on rolling, unit by unit and another national agreement will be lost.
Please circulate this information – let your members know how Royal Mail intends to manage change in the future —send messages of support and any donations to either the Midlands Region or Midland No 7 Branch.
This is a battle for the future of the CWU—in Stoke—in the Midlands—in Britain.
Lee Barron - Midlands Regional Secretary
What you can do
Send messages of support to
midlandregion AT
You can also contact the branch
direct: Midland No 7 Branch, CWU
Union Room, Lindsay Street, Hanley,
Stoke on Trent, ST1 4EP. Phone
01782 285833/272682. Fax 01782
272978. Email: branch.secretary AT
Visit the picket line at Leek Road in
Invite a speaker from Stoke to your
This leaflet is from Post Worker, a paper produced by rank and file postal workers across Britain. It represents a broad range of views and is designed to stimulate debate as well as encourage active participation in the CWU. Send your articles and pictures to postworker AT or phone 07871
927008 or write to PostWorker c/o 109 Evelyn Court, Amhurst Road, London E8 2BQ.
toastie the postie