Nottingham Pride 2009
Supporter | 27.07.2009 20:15 | Culture | Gender
The marchers, many of them dressed up for the occasion in an array of costumes and outfits, were accompanied by both a samba band and a marching band.
From Mansfield Road, they turned right onto Shakespeare Street and then right again, up North Sherwood Street before entering the Arboretum where they joined the component of the event.
This year there were stalls from the usual bizarre array of organisations, with a mix of activists (e.g. IWW), health advocates (NHS, Healthy Gay Notttingham, Terrence Higggins Trust), unions (Unison, RCN) and official bodies (city and county councils, the National Probabtion Service and the police).
Entertainment was provided by local drag queens, a rock band, a rapper and many others.