Former Member of Parliaments are not entitled for Govt. accomodation - Kadyan
Abhishek Kadyan, Media Adviser to the OIPA in India | 17.07.2009 06:32
The Department of Estates has prepared a list of 36 "unauthorised" occupants of General Pool bungalows which includes names of several former ministers such as Ram Vilas Paswan, Mahavir Prasad, Kanti Singh, Jagdish Tytler, Kashiram Rana among others.
The cases came to light after an RTI activist Subhash Chandra Agrawal filed an application under the Act seeking list of unauthorised occupants in government accommodation, including parliamentarians retired after recent Lok Sabha elections.
In his questions pertaining to the procedure and present status of getting government accommodation evacuated from such unauthorised occupants, the Department of Estates said "cancellation of allotment is made against the allottee in case of unauthorised occupation and eviction proceedings under the P.P. Act 1971 is initiated to get accommodation vacated."
"All such cases have been referred to Litigation Division for necessary action," it said.
Other names which figured in this list include former Members of Parliament and ministers A Narendra, L Ganesan, Saleem I Sherwani, Basangouda R Patil, Faggan Singh Kulaste, Jual Oram, Santosh Gangwar, Vallabhbhai Khathiriya, Charanjit Singh Atwal, S N Jatiya, S S Badal, Subhash Maharia.
The reply also includes names of TDP leader Yarran Naidu, V Radhika Selvi, Naranbhai Rathwa, Raghunath Jha, Renuka Chowdhury, Shankarsinh Vaghela, Priyaranjan Dasmunsi, Akhilesh Prasad Singh, Taslimuddin, Mani Shakar Aiyar, Suryakanta Patil, Santosh Mohan Dev, Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan, Md Ali Ashraf Fatmi, Jaiprakash Nayarayan Yadav, Shakeel Ahmed and P R Kyndiah.
The Directorate of Estates in its reply has also stated that national political parties are eligible for allotment of one housing unit from General Pool in Delhi for their office use as per policy guidelines.
The list of political parties given in the reply shows that while the Congress has been allotted four bungalows for their offices, BJP has two.
Congress has been allotted 24, Akbar Road, 5, Raisina Road, 26 Akbar Road and CII/109 Chankyapuri. The BJP has been allotted 11, Ashoka Road and 14 Pandit Pant Marg for their offices in the Lutyen's zone.
शहरी विकास मंत्रालय ने पूर्व रक्षा मंत्री जॉर्ज फर्नान्डिस, जगदीश टाइटलर और काशीराम राणा सहित 36
पूर्व मंत्रियों और सांसदों का मामला कानूनी प्रकोष्ठ को भेजा है जिन्होंने अनधिकृत रूप से सरकारी बंगलों पर कब्जा किया हुआ है।
संपदा विभाग ने 36 लोगों की सूची तैयार की है जो सामान्य पूल के बंगलों पर अनाधिकृत रूप से काबिज हैं। इनमें रामविलास पासवान, महावीर प्रसाद, कांति सिंह, जगदीश टाइटलर, काशीराम राणा आदि शामिल हैं। इनके अलावा चरनजीत सिंह अटवाल, सुखबीर सिंह बादल, संतोष मोहन देव, येर्रन नायडू, विनोद खन्ना, ए. नरेंद्र, सलीम शेरवानी, बासनगौडा आर. पाटिल, फग्गन सिंह कुलास्ते, जुअल ओरांव, वल्लभभाई कठीरिया,सत्यनारायण जतिया, सुभाष महारिया, वी. राधिका सेल्वी, नारायणभाई राठवा, रघुनाथ झा, प्रियरंजन दासमुंशी, तस्लीमुद्दीन, सूर्यकांता पाटिल , सुब्बूलक्ष्मी जगदीशन और ए. अली अशरफ फातमी भी उन लोगों में हैं जिन्होंने सरकारी बंगले खाली नहीं किए हैं।
सुभाष चंद्र अग्रवाल ने आरटीआई कानून के तहत एक आवेदन दायर कर सरकारी बंगलों में अनधिकृत रूप से रह रहे लोगों की सूची मांगी थी। इसके बाद यह मामला सामने आया। जवाब में कहा गया है कि ऐसे मामले कानूनी प्रकोष्ठ को सौंप दिए गए हैं ताकि आवश्यक कार्रवाई की जा सके।
Abhishek Kadyan, Media Adviser to the OIPA in India