Many of you who frequent Sheffield city centre on the weekends will see the Socialist Worker Party (SWP) stall as a regular fixture on Fargate. Typical activity will see members of the local SWP branch selling their papers, attempting to gather signatures for the latest campaign and usually a bit of empty sloganeering on the megaphone. Having now seemingly abandoned their commitment to fighting fascism (the activities of the SWP controlled Unite Against Fascism group having completely failed on a local level) they have now turned their attention to the economic crisis and particularly the lost jobs in local manufacturing. Sheffield's steel industry has been hit hard by the economic crisis and local people are rightly worried about their futures. In that spirit this Saturday many members of the public greeted the SWP's efforts to raise awareness on this issue with enthusiasm, signing petitions in support of the workforce and donating to the cause... or not. You see hidden in the small print on the bottom of their uniform petition sheets is the clause that the money raised does not in fact go to support steel workers, their union or even a fighting fund for them, it goes to Sheffield SWP's organising fund! The plight of these workers is nothing more than a cash-in for the local branch. Once again the true, vile face of Trotskyism is revealed. This organisation does not care about the struggle of the working class, just the economic struggle of their own organisation from disappearing into even greater irrelevance!
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