Updated Anarchist Movement Conference Programme - Plan, Format and Content
AMC-2009 | 13.05.2009 09:35 | Workers' Movements
June 6th/7th, Queen Mary University, Mile End, London E1 4NS
w: www.conference09.org.uk // e: info@conference09.org.uk
(2.) Registration
(3.) Conference Itenary
(4.) After the Conference
1. Update Intro
The conference is structured to enable as many people as possible to participate and speak about what they think about the anarchist movement as it stands, to take a self-critical view and discuss areas which would need to be improved to make our ideas gain popularity amongst the wider population. The format is reflective of this so we are providing an overview so that those attending can have a greater understanding of what is planned.
Each person that registers for the conference either before or on the day will be allocated a group which they will stay with during the two days. The groups will be composed of 20 people from different organisations and towns and people who are not members of any group. The process of composing these groups will mean that we are presented with wider views from people we perhaps rarely speak to. Two facilitators will aide the groups by enabling the discussions to flow and making sure everyone who wants to speak can. Here is the itinerary
for the two days:
2. Registration
Resistration has picked up over the last week and we are close to having around 90-100 by the end of the week. Many comrades have yet to register, so if you haven't yet the please do by downloading the registration form at www.conference09.org.uk - alternatively you can now register online using the Anarchist Bookfair Pay Pal account. See details at www.conference09.org.uk
3. Conference Itenary
Saturday June 6th (First day of the conference)
9-10am : On the day registration
10-11am : Opening plenary - Welcome, introduction to the conference, housekeeping and respect policy
11-6pm : Conference. Groups will be allocated a room, facilitators, resources.
Discussing the issues related to the first 3 themes.
* i. Movement or why we aren't one
* ii. Resistance or are we futile?
* iii. Class or is anybody out there?
[ the aim of these discussions is for us to take a self-reflective look at our ideas, how we implement them and how we relate it to the wider world. We are here to learn and listen as much from others as we are to contribute our own views.]
7pm - 11pm : Conference Social/Food @ Freedom Anarchist Centre (Whitechapel)
Sunday June 7th (Second day of the conference)
9.30-2pm : Conference. Final group session.
* iv. Ideas into reality and what's in between?
[ the final session is aimed at looking at how we can realistically move our ideas to make them practical realities. This could take the form of general discussions or take on a specific aspect that has come about through the discussions. If there is commitment to propose an action point to the
wider conference then this is the place to develop it. ]
2pm - 4pm : Final Conference Plenary
The stated aims of the conference is to provide a space where anarchists who are active can meet, discuss and propose courses of action on what needs to be done. The final conference plenary will be a chance for all the groups to converge and summarise their discussions and highlight specific areas which their group feel were important issues. In addition to this, each group has an opportunity to propose action points that will form the basis of the Action Proposals part of the conference. By action we do not necessarily mean demonstrations, protests or campaigns - these could also be things like developing infrastructure, educational material or strategies on a particular area.
Each group will be give 5 mins to summarise their discussions. The action points will be collated and merged if they are similar to other groups proposals. We hope that some initiatives emerge, however we do not want groups to feel they have to propose anything. The conference will facilitate the spaces for people to congregate together to discuss the action proposals in the following extra session.
4pm - 6pm : Action Proposals
As mentioned above, space and support will be given to proposals that have emerged during the conference. People can choose which proposal they feel more passionate about and join those new groups. All proposals will be noted and a convener should be proposed to keep people in contact of developments.
4. After the Conference - Anarchist Bookfair Mass Meeting
The next appointment for the conference attendees will be at a mass meeting at the London Anarchist Bookfair in October 2009. This will be a space whereby we can hear report backs from any initiatives and arguments for or against doing a similar event next year. A final conference report will be launched at the bookfair composed of the notes taken by each group, individual views and opinions on what was discussed at the conference and any proposals which have been made. It will also feature a directory of anarchist groups across the UK.
For more information related to the conference please see: www.conference09.org.uk or email us at info@conference09.org.uk