Once Again, again the Wave!
www.edu-factory.org | 18.03.2009 22:14 | Education
These days after different and spreading actions, the anomalous wave is back and it’s even more angry!
Communiquè of LaSapienza
The Wave cannot be stopped
We entered a new era, today we can say it clearly, without any equivocal. The recession is a concret reality, the government has no doubt: police against students, police against who dissent, police charges against those who don’t want to pay the crisis!
This morning at La Sapienza speaks about it: the democracy vacuum that concerns this country and the city of Rome, with the protocol against the demonstrations. Attacking the right of strike (the strike of today was indected by the Unions Cgil- Flc), attacking the freedom of movement, all soaked with a security rhetoric that militarizes streets and imposes new proibitions. However, this morning everything was clearly visible. Behind this rhetoric, behind the truncheons that beat defenceless students, there is a definite plan: suspending democratic rules and managing social conflicts produced by the crisis through the state of exception and control.
We learnt another important thing this morning at Sapienza University, since early morning, then after police charging: the Wave is not dead, the Wave is not a memory of youth, the Wave is alive and doesn’t want to stop, the Wave makes fear! We were thousands of students, from high school and university, we resumed our path because the reasons of our rage are not vanished. Indeed, the law 133 has not been retired, and the project of Law 180 has been approved on January 7th, the project of Law Aprea is going to be approved, the economic crisis is spreading and the government give money to banks and entertainment, forgetting about students, youths and precarious, new poverty and workers, migrants and women. Therefore we took back the university without fear and we claimed our strike’s right, the right of voicing our dissent. Nothing to do, police charged us first time at the main entrance of University, then twice at the secondary entrances, all the University City has been besieged by hundreds of riot policeman (police, brands of army, revenue guard corps) to reaffirm the continuity between the government and Frati, magnificent chancellor barred in his head office.
This morning obviously gives us a very important chance and above all, it points us out an unreferring check. In the first place the check: what do Cgil think about police’s beatings of this morning? Do they think that the agreement subscribed last week with the chief officer and the district council about demonstrations is still valid? We ask immediately that Cgil take a stand, because police’s charges of this morning are not a private problem, but a clear attack to the rights of everybody, students, but workers too. In second place the chance: we have to promote a great political campaign about freedom of movement and right of strike! This evening an assembly of all the city discussed to plan the demonstration against G14 about crisis, work and social security cushion, that will take place in Rome on 28th of March: we’ll reaffirm that education world and students need new rights and warrantees against crisis and precarity. Tomorrow at 4 p.m. we’ll be back at the faculty of Chemistry to reclaim the self management of spaces, sociality and knowledge inside the university that chancellor Frati has militarized. Next week we have to relaunch powerfully the mobilizations: first of all a public appointment on wednesday morning, 25th of march, to reaffirm that university is not a cage and that chancellor Frati must be ashamed for his allignment to government and municipal politics; in second place we invite all the university, unions, workers to a great public assembly on thursday 26th of March, we invite all the political components that want to reject security politics of government, the protocol against-demonstrations and the attack to the right of strike. Finally on 28th of March we are going to mobilitize against the world-power and against the economic crisis!
They block our future, we block the city!
Sapienza on the Wave