LONDON: Eleventh of Every Month Until Justice Campaign
londontruthaction | 14.03.2009 11:48 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Terror War
'Justice Smith' supports Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Loose Change Final Cut
Started off with a street action outside Victoria station where we tried to put as many dvds in the hands of taxi drivers as possible
Then off to Parliament Square to pay Brian Haw and his peace camp a visit.
We spent the rest of the afternoon with our PA system in Trafalgar Square. Someone recognised Rick Astley and it turns out he is very familiar with what went down on 9/11. As is 'Justice' Smith from American Gladiators.
In the evening we screened Loose Change Final Cut on a wall near a busy station.
Gave out 600 dvds and leaflets and some great new people joined us.
Previous Reports:
February Street Actions
February 11th 2009
January 11th 2009
December 11th 2008
July 11th 2008
April 11th 2008
March 11th 2008
February 11th 2008
January 11th 2008
December 11th 2007
November 11th 2007
Some suggested sites and resources for further information about September 11th 2001:
Truth Action
Truth Move
911 Blogger
9-11 Review
9-11 Research
Journal of 9/11 Studies
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Complete 911 Timeline
September 11 Revisited
9/11 Press for Truth
The Elephant in the Room
Other alternative media sites which cover 9/11 truth:
Unwelcome Guests
TUC Radio
Taking Aim
Global Research
Information Clearing House
Truth Revolution Radio: Indymedia and 9/11 truth - show from 1st March 2008 guests include Indymedia activists Chris Burnett from Los Angeles and Chris from Sheffield Indymedia:
Truth Revolution Video, 5 minute edit of Scott Noble's video Truth Revolution which documents the origins of the campaign for International Days of Truth Action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month:
Advert-free archive of Truth Revolution radio: