AGAINST CARTELS | 19.02.2009 14:15
NOW : http://www.stopcartel.org/view.php?id=156
PRESS RELEASE no 7 19-2-2009
Government s response STOPCARTEL Organization s forwarded urgent Strict Legal Notice to the Greek Minister of Development Kostis Hatzidakis and the Undersecretary of Development Giorgos Vlahos,with which made them directly legaly responsible, for any physical biological damages may occur to the Hunger Striker,was not to protect the Hunger Striker, but to enforce security measures of the building of the Greek Competition Commission,(changing the the building s windows and applying (illegal in Greece ) public security cameras controling the main entrance ) ! Wide publicity in the Greek conventional Media yesterday and today.
The correct Minister s e-mail is: info@khatzidakis.gr
This fight against cartels conserns ALL citizens, particularly now ,when financial crisis strikes all countries.
Powerful Corporations of all types that formed Cartels everywhere in the world ,are directly responsible for the high cost of living ,financial crisis and poverty.
He is the first European Hunger Striker protesting against Cartels that brought the world to the present economic crisis era.
The Hunger Strike of the Greek businessman,victim of a hard core Greek steel cartel has entered its SEVENTH day in front of the Greek Competition Commission in central Athens.SIXTH cold night outdoors.Over 600.000 visitors to the LIVE broadcast !
Theodoros Tenezos,39 years old owner of a medium size Company in the construction steel sector, has entered this morning his SEVENTHday on Hunger Strike ,protesting against Cartels and Greek Competition Commission in front of the offices of the Greek Competition Commission in central Athens.
He officially complained and reported 2,5 years ago to the Greek Competition Commission and the Greek government a hard-core steel cartel, which destroyed his business, that was a model of development.
Greek Government and Greek Competition Commission are by any means offering protection to the cartels controling the economic function of all sectors of the Greek economy .
Cartelists and government left Greece unprepared and unprotected to the coming economic crisis.
The Hunger Striker demands:
- Resignation of members of the Committee who have been sued in court for criminal offenses during the exercise of their duties
- True and full investigation of his official Antitrust complaint now.
-Protection of victims of cartels and monopolies in this country.
SEND YOUR PROTEST and SUPPORT to the Hunger Strike by e-mail to :
The Greek Minister of Development Mr. Kostis Hatzidakis: info@khatzidakis.gr
The Greek Undersecretary of Development Mr.Giorgos Vlahos: yfyp-anap@gge.gr
STOPCARTEL Organization : info@stopcartel.org
The personal e-mail of the Hunger Striker Mr. Tenezos is : tenezos@hotmail.com
STOPCARTEL Organization offers its support to the above demands.