Sheffield Green New Deal Conference - From Global Challenges to Local Solutions
Sheffield Green New Deal | 16.02.2009 19:17 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Social Struggles | Sheffield
St Mary’s Conference Centre, Bramall Lane, Sheffield S2 4QZ
Organised by Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change
A conference with keynote speakers, workshops and exhibitions.
Speakers include
Colin Hines , Green New Deal Group/New Economics Foundation, Greenpeace International
Dr.Fazlun Khalid, Director Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Ecological Sciences ( IFEES)
Prof. M. Dharmadasa Sheffield Hallam University
Miriam Kennet Green Economics Institute
Karen Leach Localise West Midlands
Julia Gash, of Bag It Don't Bin It and organiser of the First Eco Business Summit in February 2008
Cllr Andrew Cooper , Kirklees Council - responsibility for innovative insulation schemes
John le Corney Heeley City Farm
Nick Parsons South Yorkshire Energy Centre
Andrew Jeffrey South Yorkshire Housing Association
Alexa Walker Sheffield Citizens Advice Bureau Debt Support Unit &
David Midgley, Schmacher North & Mike McAughtrie Trading Standards
Jane Eastham & Mike Rimmington Sheffield Hallam University
Peter North Liverpool University
David Garlovsky Schools & Homes Energy Education Project & John Grant SHU
John Smith
Rob Murfin Yorkshire & Humberside Assembly
Andy Nolan Sheffield City Council
Presentations wil include: The Green New Deal, A Green Economics Response, Finance, Skills Training, Retrofitting Houses, Transport, Islamic Response to the Green New Deal, Business & the Local Economy, Food Policy, Parnerships & Energy, Housing and Economics.
Who should attend?
* campaigners & activists
* social entrepreneurs
* green business academics
* researchers local government policy makers
* anyone interested in a sustainable future for Sheffield
Sheffield Green New Deal