Israel is a gansta state.
Al Capri | 16.02.2009 10:25
Gangsta leader
The present president was a smuggler and nuclear proliferator so he is OK.
The present prime Minister is a fraudster so he’s OK.
The last foreign minister is a baby killer so she’s OK.
Netanyahu is a thuggish killer who sends the army out to do his killing so he’s OK.
Estelle Lieberman is a pimp and narcotic dealer so he’s OK.
Now this rum lot are elected by the Israeli people to form a government.
It says a lot about the majority of the Israeli people.
Put into the mix the AIPAC who can control the Congress and Senate in America so well that they can get a near 100% vote on the genocide of babies in Gaza.
The AIPAC are, in fact, the shadow government of America and are as criminally minded as the Israeli government.
Their spies go on trial soon but in the meantime they are writing articles in the Jerusalem Post advising Obama how not to cross the AIPAC.
And Mitchell thinks he can bring peace to this lot of psychos?
Good luck to him and God help the Palestinians and Iranians.
Al Capri
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