Join Us Again for Meatout in March 20th., 2009 - Naresh Kadyan
Abhishek Kadyan, Media Adviser to OIPA in India & TV Journalist | 09.02.2009 14:57
Thank you for taking part in last year’s Meatout. Because of caring individuals like you, Meatout 2008 was a huge success!
I hope you will join us again this year for Meatout. If you're not already planning an event, get active on (or around) March 20th and spread the message of compassion in your community.
This year’s slogan is “Change Your Diet – Change the World!” and we’ve got brand new handouts ready for distribution (pictured right).
It’s fun, it’s easy, and it matters! Events (large or small) can include leafleting, information tables, exhibits, festivals, video screenings, food sampling, and much more.
We provide – guidance, materials, national media, and web listing of your event.
You provide – a few hours, a lot of heart, and representation for your community.
Start planning now if you haven't already! Here’s how:
1. Visit our Action Center for ideas and guidance.
2. Register your activities online or call 1-800-MEATOUT (632-8688), even if your plans are incomplete (you can update anytime).
Remember, it’s compassionate people like you that can make a difference! Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you.
Thank you for caring,
Jen Riley
Program Director
Dear Naresh,
Thank you for participating in Meatout 2009. We're excited to work with you in spreading the word about the benefits of a plant-based diet for human health, the environment, and the animals!
PLEASE REVIEW YOUR REGISTRATION INFORMATION BELOW. Double check any requested materials. If any information is incorrect, reply to this e-mail with corrections.
If you would like to receive materials, please note that we require a complete mailing address and basic activity details. Materials will be mailed in mid to late February. While donations to offset printing and shipping costs are not required, they are greatly appreciated. The recommended donation for a Full Event Pack is $10-20. For handouts, we suggest 5-10 cents per card. Visit to make an online donation.
If you are hosting an event, we will be posting your plans on the online Events Directory very soon.
Please feel free to ask me if you would like additional guidance, have special instructions for requested materials, or have any other questions.
Thanks for active compassion!
Jen Riley
Program Director
800-MEATOUT (632-8688)
Registration Information:
First Name: Naresh
Last Name: Kadyan
Street: C-38, Rose Apartment, Prashant Vihar, Sector-14, Rohini
Organization: PFA Haryana
City: Delhi
State/Province: Delhi
Postal Code: 110085
Country: INDIA
Phone: +91-9813010595
Event Date and Time: 20-3-2009 - 12to 3 pm
Event Location: Janter Manter, Delhi.
Likely Event Features: PFA Haryana - along with the International Organization for Animal Protection - OIPA - jointly arranged a demonstration cum march past from Janter Manter to India Gate, New Delhi.
Abhishek Kadyan, Media Adviser to OIPA in India & TV Journalist