The crowd was large, angry and noisy, and many agreed that this was the best and biggest demo Bath has seen in a while. Taking to the streets, the march wound through the centre of Bath, stopping outside, and blockading (by weight of numbers) Starbucks before protesting outside, and inside Llyods TSB, which ended up locking its doors after the manager refused to come out and debate with activists. We then headed down to M&S, one of the UKs biggest corporate sponsors of Israel. We asked for no permission to march, and do not intend to do so in future, we also reserved our right to set our own route and agenda for the demo. The police were very jumpy, and at points got heavy with activists filming the demo, as well as getting a bit obsessed with finding an organiser (something they didn't succeed in doing!). All in all, the day was a huge sucess, and the demo was very well recieved by the public. If hostilities continue, we will be holding another demo next saturday, starting at 12.30 at Abbey Courtyard, Bath.
Sorry for the slightly poor write up - just got homr from the demo!