Naresh Kadyan, Representative of OIPA in India | 11.01.2009 10:00
Kind attention:-
The Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Haryana, The Financial Commissioner to the Govt. of Haryana, Department of the Panchyats & Development, The Financial Commissioner to the Govt. of Haryana, Department of Animal Husbandary, The Financial Commissioner to the Govt. of Haryana, Department of the Forest & Wildlife, All Deputy Commissioners of the state.
Respected Sir / Madam,
Please find attached here with the Haryana Cattle Fairs Act, 1970 for ready reference.
It is intimated that People For Animals Haryana is a registered NGO duly recognised by the Govt. & the International Organization for Animal Protection - OIPA - is duly affiliated with the United Nations, Department of public information - being an Representative of OIPA in India & founder Chairman of the PFA Haryana, I placed this notice before you to to review & ammend the existed laws with out any further delay:-
* That the animal being an state subject, this is the responsibility of the state Govt. to look after & protect them from the un necessary pain & sufferings.
* It has been observed that these cattle's fairs played a key role to hurt animals because the relevant act is silent about animal transportation, in fact animals are being transported towards these fairs & after in a very cruel manners, animals are being shifted under very heavy stress, pain, injury, sufferings & some time death even. You might be knowing that there is law to protect animals - THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT, 1960 but the administration is not interested to protect the animal rights & their welfare, in fact the state Govt. can get a big amount / revenue as a fine from the offenders of the act, if they works properly & animals also be saved from stress, pain & injury.
* It has been confirmed by this fairs act that every one can sale the Elephants even in these cattle's fairs, where as the Elephant is a protected scheduled one animal under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 / Govt. property & the sale - purchase of an Elephant is illegal, against the law, so it should be looked after at once.
* As per section 35 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 - the Govt. set up unfunctional Infirmaries on paper only & I moved this matter before Hon'ble High Court & the same is under consideration.
* As per rules made out by the central Govt. under section 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 - this is compulsary to obtained a certificate before animal transportation from the AWBI as per section 96-97 of Cattle Transport Rules, 1978 ammended in 2001, but no body is worried to implement.
* Cows / calves & oxens are openly smuggled by foot or through vehicles for slaughter from Haryana to other parts of the country with out export permits, required as per law / section 4B of the Prohibition of Cow slaughter. It is confirmed that a organised criminal conspiracy going in the state / un wanted - labour class peoples comes to these fairs to purchase cows, calves & oxens not for agriculture, only for supply to the slaughter houses outside Haryana, hence it would be in the interest of cows, calves & oxens that the trading of these animals in these cattle's fairs be banned along with Elephants.
* As per article 51 A(g) of the Constitution of India, this is the fundamental duties of every citizens of the country including your self to look after all living creatures, wildlife, forest, rivers & mountains.
A copy of this notice is being forwarded to the Legal Advisers for further necessary legal actions in this regards, if you failed to complywith the objections raised by the undersigned.
Naresh Kadyan,
Representative for INDIA,
Mobile - +91-9813010595
- +91- 9313312099
Naresh Kadyan, Representative of OIPA in India