Is the media really free?
Danny | 11.01.2009 01:22 | World
I stated that I was in two minds about attending the protest in light of false reporting on here firstly about Police firing tear gas, British police do not use teargas and yet this was reported as facts, British police tend to use police horses for that reason alone teargas and police horses do not mix, it goes on. I then stating from my experiences of Gaza from people that I had spoken too in the West Bank which was not stated as in the original article that I posted of people be killed in Gaza from for their beliefs and their viewpoints. I stated that Hamas are brutal killers and nothing more I then stated that firing rockets will, not nor is it ever design to achieve lasting peace. How can a rocket which is made from a post from a sign post fill with explosives is hoped to achieve to hit anything of high-value other than to kill innocent bystanders? Yet people say in response to this it more physiological effect than actual people being killed is yet somehow more justifiable? No one should killed regardless to race or religion.
I have to confess I am disappointed that Indymedia saw fit to removed my previous post and the other poster which was from my viewpoint was mild compare to my post. Like I said I am unable truly word to word reposts my previous article. If Indymedia has an issue with this maybe they would like to repost my previous article and put a “hidden” message over the top to let the people judge for themselves the article. Also serve as a reminder to me about keeping a copy of everything being posted on here.
I will attend the protest tomorrow but not to support Hamas.