size of gaza
solidarity | 08.01.2009 12:52 | South Coast
This is historical Gaza.
08.01.2009 13:42
Map of Gaza
Gaza is that chaotic bit in the left. The neatly farmed fields on the right are Israel.
Position of Gaza.
Here's the Israeli map of the area, no Palestine here ..
08.01.2009 15:45
They set up Hamas as part of their divide and rule strategy which has conveniently divided Gaza from the West Bank. Once they have dealt with Gaza they will invent an excuse to obliterate the West Bank.
It's not about Hamas and their fireworks it's about driving the Palestinians into the sea and let's face it what is going to stop them achieving this. The worlds corporate media is an accomplice and if they can get away with massacring the Palestinians as they have been doing for the last 10 days lets face it the sonner the Palestinians get out of the hell whole that they are living in the better for them. Don't ask me where they should go but go they certainly will. Here's the Israeli map of the area ...
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