SHAC - end of year awards
Award committee | 05.01.2009 16:30 | SHAC
Biggest hypocrite 2008 - Debbie Vincent for her refusal to admit all the animal tested drugs 'she' took to reassign her gender - failure as a man - failure as a woman - a failed human being.
Most parasitic 2008 - Loony Lynn for her sickening misuse of the young and idealistic.
Worst IT support 2008 - Gavin Medd-Hall for spectacular failures leading to the mass conviction of SHAC.
Fool of the Year - Alan Buttle for a spectacular spiral of yobbish behavior archiving nothing except an ASBO.
Most physically Repulsive 2008 - Sarah Gisbourne- just look at her!
Most Spineless 2008 - Greg, Natasha and Dan for pleading guilty.
Most Stupid 2008 - Heather, Gavin and the others for NOT pleading guilty.
Least Likely to be seen again (ever) - Trevor Holmes.
Award committee