Greek Solidarity demo DEC 20th? Will there be one?
@ Old Fart | 15.12.2008 15:32 | Repression | Social Struggles
Would be good to link it to the struggles here (and future ones) against the crisis and all that it brings - austerity / attacks on marginalised / more disciplinary society / increase in racism / police attacks. All this and solidarity with Alexis and the other current social struggles across Europe / the World.
To start the boll rolling!!
December 20th in the heart of the Xmas shopping season?
Traf Sq? At least it's more visible and spacious than say Oxford St etc. Has a nice tree too!
Obviously we won't get hundreds or thousands so it's worth thinking strategically. Not our strong point usually. But it does seem obvious what the cops will try and do. How do we organise a demo that gets round that. - Containment / Section 60 etc. Also what is the demo for? What do we want it to do? Give solidarity to the Greek uprising - not pretend we are going to bring the streets of Greece to London. One day but it won't be this day!
Also this demo is for anyone who's in solidarity. I think that yet another leaflet with a picture of a masked up anarchist throwing a molotov is just wishful thinking. Those pictures create false impressions. When was the last big riot in the London? June 18th 1999!
So we are starting from scratch to build confidence and tactics and affinity. I think over-postured propaganda puts off those who would come but don't feel comfortable with the stereotypical image of anarchists. Most anarchists of my generation are older now, slower, with kids, not so daring as we used to be. But it's our demo too! I don't feel the need to 'black-up, block-up' at every anarchist demo. People need to respect this, otherwise it's just another exclusive club for those seemingly more radical (and often younger!)
Anyway, random thoughts. Hope we can take it further with analysis, ideas, criticism etc.
@ Old Fart
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