After PRIMARK's PR Conference cop-out, AGM action expected..
EJ | 03.12.2008 06:44
PRIMARK AGM – Friday 5 December from 10.30am
TUC, Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS
PRIMARK's AGM is the most important opportunity this year to put put pressure on the famous high street brand. This annual shareholder meeting is when important decisions get made regarding PRIMARK's policies and procedures.
It is PRIMARK's shareholders who take home the lion's share of PRIMARK's profits and who have the power to make PRIMARK introduce policies and procedures that will ensure the lives of workers are put ahead PRIMARK's pursuit for profits.
LBL and No Sweat, along with Bangladeshi workers from the National Garment Workers Federation and Tara and Stacy from the BBC reality show Blood, Sweat and T-Shirts, will be outside the AGM reminding shareholders that it is their responsibility to hold PRIMARK to account for their failure to do more to protect garment workers rights.
Join us on Friday 5 December from 10.30 onwards to make your voice heard