Continuing, Unrelenting Terrorism and Mumbai
Gary Sudborough | 01.12.2008 18:51 | Anti-militarism | World
Another seldom remembered event was the so-called convoy of death in Afghanistan in the early months of the US occupation of that country. Hundreds of Taliban were crowded into a trailer truck like cattle and then were attempted to be moved from the north of the country to a prison near Herat. Not only was there no space to move, there were no air holes so people could breathe. When it became obvious they were smothering to death, an order was given to open fire and blow air holes in the trailer. This caused even more deaths. Finally, the survivors were herded into the desert, machine gunned and given a mass burial. A documentary was made of this event, but as usual the mass media didn't want the American people to see it.
There is another kind of terrorism practiced by the United States called torture. Terrorism is violence intended to intimidate, and torture fits this definition perfectly. The CIA tortures at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and various rendition centers around the world. Hooding people is a very insidious form of torture because deprivation of light can cause major depression in the brain and this is horribly painful. This is terrorism and it didn't start as Jane Mayer implies in her new book The Dark Side when George W. Bush came to power and America was virtuous until that time. The CIA has been torturing for years, particularly in Latin America. Dan Mitrione of the US Office of Public Safety taught the Uruguayan police how to torture the Tupamayo guerrillas by kidnapping homeless people off the streets and torturing them to death. Noam Chomsky in his book Turning the Tide gives the example of how the elite commandos in El Salvador, trained by the United States, killed a whole family suspected of sympathizing with the guerrillas, decapitated them and placed the heads around the dinner table just in front of the torsos. This is the epitome of intimidation and terrorism done on behalf of the United States. Michael Parenti also discusses the various forms of torture used by the CIA and their lackeys in Latin America including electric shock to the genitals and even tying one man's penis so he couldn't urinate, ruining his kidneys. Sister Diana Ortiz suffered horribly in Guatemala at the hands of the Guatemalan police and CIA. She was lowered into a pit of dead and dying human beings covered with rats and forced to stab a dying person with a machete. United States government terrorism has been going on for a very long time. When asked why priests and nuns were targeted, the Guatemalan special forces spokesman simply stated that it was because they were for the poor people and therefore, communists.
A man who survived the Mumbai disaster said it was pure evil. He was right. However, the greatest pure evil comes from the ruling class of the United States and the violence they can propagate through their agencies like the Pentagon and CIA.
Gary Sudborough