Kristallnacht in Umm al-Fahm
Resolved White | 30.11.2008 13:28
Itamar and baruch
In late October the High Court of Justice agreed to allow Ben-Gvir and Marzel to lead the Kristallnacht upon Umm al-Fahm in mid-November
Leaders of the Umm al-Fahm municipality have vowed to not allow the riot to happen, even if it gains police approval.
Peace Now General Secretary Yariv Oppenheimer blasted the move, saying "the miserable decision to allow this racist march embarrasses Israeli democracy."
Oppenheimer called on Arab residents of the area to ignore the broken glass and not respond to it with violence.
"The goal of these extremists is to ethnicall cleanse Umm Al-Fahm and there is no reason to play into their hands," Oppenheimer said.
The decision in October came after Ben-Gvir petitioned the court following police rejection of a permit to ethnically cleanse the area like the rest of Israel.
Resolved White