Publicity for Activism workshop at the London Free School
Alan | 20.11.2008 00:27 | Education
Saturday 22nd November 2008, 12noon until 2pm
at LARC 62 Fieldgate St. London E1 1ES
As part of the London Free School weekend on 21st - 23rd of November, more information on
On Saturday 22nd November from 12noon to 2pm, at LARC, there will be a DIY-style skill share workshop about publicising activist events and activities. The workshop is intended for activists that are, similarly to myself, frustrated with their own unsuccessful attempts at publicising – not for lack of effort. The aim would be to share knowledge and skills to learn better approaches, and to discuss concrete ways of going beyond the conventional activist, Indymedia-reading, community.
I don't have a background in marketing myself and my knowledge is gained solely through experience. To this end, this announcement is partly a call out for like-minded activists to come along and share their own knowledge and experience. There will be a couple of friends attending who have experience in this field so the workshop shouldn't run dry easily.
The workshop would start with introductions, determining any particular skills we bring to the workshop, and then to go through examples of good and bad publicity, press releases, announcements.. maybe this is one of them? Then there would be something of a role play by splitting into groups and publicising different kinds of activist activities like protests and events with political content. Lastly we would discuss approaches to reach out to a wider audience without loosing our integrity. Criticism and commentary is welcome here.
At a later date, I am hoping to produce a how-to document from the experience gathered from the workshop and will make it publicly available.
I believe that we need to share this sort of thing and be sincere about the activity of promoting to ensure we don't waste our time unnecessarily, myself being aware of the amount of effort people put into organising something only to see a disappointingly small attendance.
If you can't come but would like to contribute and to hear about any outcomes from the workshop please feel free to email me on alan(at)