Opposing the Launch of ID Cards, Nov 25th
one of noborders | 18.11.2008 11:46 | Migration
Borders are rising around all of us, immigration law already gives the Home Office powers it would like to exert over everybody. We are against repression in all its forms and the many controls which would restrict the lives of everyone. The UK is becoming a mass surveillance society, migrants are at the very sharp end. We see the launch of ID cards for some migrants as a further step to the general introduction of ID cards and the strenghtening of control in the UK.
By resisting the repression of migrants, we defend the freedom of everyone!
Picket-Protest called by London NoBorders:
Tuesday 25 November 2008
Lunar House, Croydon (40 Wellesley Road Croydon, CR9 2BY)
12pm - 2pm
bring placards, banners ...
one of noborders
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