Titnore Woods plans - new info
Woods | 09.10.2008 07:57 | Ecology | Free Spaces | South Coast
A campaigner has very helpfully tracked down the online location of a form, specific to the Titnore application, that can be filled in by anyone who has not yet sent in their objection. This is particularly handy if you are short of time, as it doesn't necessarily require any comments, just a box to tick saying you object. It can be found at http://planning.worthing.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_comments_entryform.aspx?caseno=0400040OUT
It is also linked on the Camp Titnore page at www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
The site of the proposed 900-home development has been protected by an eco-protest camp for more than two years and funds are now badly needed to build defences etc.
To that end a fundraising meal for Camp Titnore is being held at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, on Sunday October 12. The start time is 2pm. Price per meal is expected to be around £5 or slightly less.