Upcoming Free Hich Events
Free Hich | 01.10.2008 08:25 | Migration | Repression | Terror War
The Free Hich Campaign has some awesome talks, gigs, exhibition, and film screenings lined up for the coming term. Here are some key events happening really soon, dont miss out!
Round Table Discussion: Academic Freedom and Social Justice.
Today! Wednesday 1st Oct – 4PM – B62 (Law and Social Sciences Building)
Hosted by, the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (Politics) and the Centre for Research on Identities, Citizenship and Migration (Sociology and Social Policy).
The round table seeks to address with staff and students important questions of academic freedom under the anti-terrorism legislation, and broader meaning of academic freedom today. Everyone welcome!
Human Rights Film Serries: 'Taxi To The Darkside'
Today! Wednesday 1st Oct – 6.30PM – B63 (Law and Social Sciences Building)
An in-depth look at the torture practices of the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, focusing on an innocent taxi driver in Afghanistan who was tortured and killed in 2002.
Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX0MPcN08Zc
Talk: The Nottingham Terror Arrests, The War on Terror and Civil Liberties.
Thursday 2nd Oct – 4PM - 5.30PM - B62 (Law and Social Sciences Building)
Talk and discussion with Alan Simpson, MP for Nottingham South, Hicham Yezza, Rizwaan Sabir.
Film Screening: State of Fear, the truth about terrorism.
Sunday 5th Oct – 6PM - Broadway Cinema (City Centre)
With an introduction by Hicham Yezza and Rizwaan Sabir (Part of the Broadway Human Rights Film Series)
Based on the findings of the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, State of Fear follows events in Peru, yet serves as a cautionary tale for any nation. Filmmakers Pamela Yates, Peter Kinoy, and Paco de Onis masterfully blend personal testimony, history and archival footage to tell the story of escalating violence in the Andean nation and how the fear of terror undermined their democracy, making Peru a virtual dictatorship where official corruption replaced the rule of law.
Film Screening: Immigration Stories
Wednesday 8th October – 6.30PM. C50 Portland
(With a segment on the Free Hich campaign) Introduction and Q&A with Francesco Ragazzi, Director. Ragazzi is currently working on a documentary about Hichams' case and the Free Hich Campaign.
Talk: The War on Terror, Islamophobia and Civil Liberties
Thursday 16th Oct – 6.30PM - B63 (Law and Social Sciences)
By Moazzam Begg, former Guantanamo Detainee, Author of "Enemy Combatant"
For more information and background about the Free Hich Campaign and the Nottingham Terror Arrests visit the campaign website: freehicham.co.uk
Hich is in great need of financial assistance at this stage - he has been prevented from resuming his job and is facing significant and prohibitive legal costs. If you're able to donate please do so at the earliest opportunity. The easiest way to give is via an online bank transfer. The details are as follows:
Sort Code: 400205
Account Number: 81474715
IBAN number: gb44midl40020581474715
International Swift Code: midlgb2140c
Contact Camille on 07961925788 to ask about any related information.
Please get in touch with the campaign team if you have any queries by emailing: staffandstudents[at]gmail[dot]com. Please also forward this message on if you can to any interested people or lists.
Many thanks to all of you for your support, hope to see you at some events very soon!
Vivé la revolución!
Free Hich