underclassrising.net | 30.09.2008 19:05 | Liverpool | Oxford
This is not a direct attack on the many good folk involved with ANARCHISM and the event itself in theory should be an example of anarchists having a good time and to fly the Black Flag with pride, instead we are treat to university educated webels who can’t hold their beer, lifestyle anarchists who let their dogs off their ropes (instead they should hang themselves with said rope) and quite literally acting no better than the rest of The Middle Class.
So, is this what ANARCHISM has become in the UK? The good Working Class living in the area had to endure the kind of behaviour we’d have come to expect and see from crusties and lifestyle anarchists at the annual bookfair has all the normal STEREOTYPES in full swing. So all those working class families are supposed to see ANARCHISM as the saviour of humanity against the filth and habits of The Middle Class controlling and disrespecting our lives and all we hold sacred. What they got instead was a handful of fuckwits who despite being small in numbers caused maximum stupidity.
If this story had been about a bunch of working class holding an event and doing the same, the Middle Class would have all been up in arms about it, but this is done under the name of ANARCHISM and it’s a fucking crying shame.
Again we don’t hold the organisers responsible and we still support The Anarchist Bookfair but serious questions need to be asked because if ANYONE can honestly say they were proud of this weekend they can fuck off to the sewer next year because that’s all they are fit for and if anyone is under the illusion that ANARCHISM is a driving force here in the UK then you are sadly mistaken because those involved are as bad as The scum they name “The Working Class”, they turn what could (or still can be?) a great anarchist event into a farce. Does anyone really expect anything positive to come out of this? Bollocks!
Lets start to make THE MIDDLE CLASS HISTORY..
“underclassrising is a modern day concept whose purpose is to, educate, lead and direct today’s teenage working class energy, anger and hate in a positive direction. Through health, fitness and challenging pursuits, underclassrising will clear your mind, body and soul, and prepare you for any challenge. underclassrising will lead you away from drugs, gangs, poisonous TV propaganda and all the sickness now destroying your lives and future. underclassrising will equip you with all the tools necessary to achieve this. Only through underclassrising will you be able to fight back and survive in today’s confusing world”.