John Smith | 24.09.2008 14:52 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
Ms Kate Davies [Mrs Kate JOHNSON] is the Special Adviser to the Labour Party chief executive of Notting Hill Housing and is she not the biggest betrayer that has corrupted Nottng Hill Housing?
Notting Hill Housing is indirectly controlled by New Labour Party. It is a terrorist entity that unlawfully terrorises its tenants. 761 complaints by tenants against the criminal acts of the management. Yet the directors continue the criminality and do not address their unlawful acts.
No wonder the support of the New Labour Party has drained away as tenants discover the criminal behaviour of the directors who are all ardent supporters of the equally deceitful criminals that are now in charge of this bankrupt deceitful bunch of criminals that are acting as Nazi tyrants. Bankrupt Brown, Jackboot Jacqui, Hectoring Harman & Betraying Blears who have betrayed the British people in their great deceitful tyrannical trecherous plan in social engineering. [All the women have another married name that they tend to hide from the British public - in order to disguise the links to those who have colonied and enslaved us.]
Bankrupt the British economy!
Destroy the British people!
TERRORIST TERRORIST TERRORIST controlled by the evil Kate Davies (29/3/56) qualified with a dodgy degree in Sociology. She hates anyone Jewish - she hates anyone gay. As chief executive she targets them and harasses them.
Ms Davies gives priority to house Terrorists, mullahs and those who support Terrorism. Like Sheikh Abu Hamza of Aldbourne Road? Next door to the New Labour Party minister John Hutton - who lives very near Ben Bradshaw another New Labour Party minister who lives with his boyfriend in Sedgefield Road?
The United States must be livid with BROWN's BETRAYING BRITAIN.
America and President Bush of the United States must have lost patience long ago with BROWN betraying President Bush?
If I was President Bush I would be livid with BROWN betraying me - but I am not President Bush - I am British and I detest BROWN's evil which is mirrored by Labour Party Special Advisers that are betraying the Americans and the British Labour Party Special Advisers detest the wonderful American people.
Mr BROWN, the British Prime minister, indirectly controls Notting Hill Housing.
Mr BROWN made sure that all the Trustees, the Chairman, the Chief Executive [Special Adviser to the Labour Party - whose only major qualification is a weak and lacklustre degree in sociology!] and all the Board of management of Notting Hill Housing, are they not all deceitful, corrupt members of the Labour Party?
The Board of Trustees of Notting Hill Housing includes a member of MI6 - Jonathan Buchanan - did he not help John Scarlett (the fellow spooky spook snoop who deceives the British people for betraying BROWN and is now betraying the tenants of Notting Hill Housing at 1 Butterwick Centre at Hammersmith, London W6) who put together the dodgy lying dossier that saw hundreds of British people get killed over a lie that Britain would be attacked by WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION in 45 minutes - was it not going to be the very end of the world?
What about the manager of the Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre - Ms Beverly Brown who is a member of the 'CRE' which is the Labour government's Communist Commisars who deny freedom of speech.
Without bursting into laughter she seriously tells tenant beneficiaries of Notting Hill Housing that they must not take their disrepair case against the landlords to the county court. Thereby, does she not 'stitch' them all up? She sits on the Board of Trustees of Notting Hill Housing as landlords.
Thereby Ms Brown commits a Conflict of Interest between her Public Duty to represent the clients with her Private Interest to be a Trustee on the Board of Notting Hill Housing which pays her a considerable salary for sitting on the Board of Trustees and thereby she betrays those very same good vulnerable tenant beneficiaries of Notting Hill Housing.
How could she?
Is this what Notting Hill Housing do to assist those Trustees who act irresponsibly and who dig their big fat snouts into the trough of unaccountable plenty - the Labour Party money laundering scam which uses unaccountable taxpayers money to lose it unlawfully without recourse to the tenant beneficiaries - is the unaccountable taxpayers money used to pay intelligence agents of MI6 or SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) PO Box 1300, Vauxhall Cross by Vauxhall Bridge, London SE1 1BD; MI5 (Security Service) of PO Box 3255, Thames House, Victoria Embankment, London SW1P 1AE and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) at GCHQ, Hubble Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL51 0EX.
Is not President Bush in extreme danger from Special Adviser to the Labour Party, the chief executive of Notting Hill Housing, Ms Kate Davies (29/3/56) of Flat 2, 1st Floor, Corner Lodge, 107 Sussex Gardens, Radnor Place, Paddington, City of Westminster, London W2 2RU?
The most vulnerable tenants of the Trust are betrayed in Breach of Trust by those who should know better.
How could the Trustee/Directors of Notting Hill Housing Trust betray the most vulnerable tenants?
Does not Ms Beverly Brown - the manager of the Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre not in breach of her duties to the Legal Services Commission and to all those council taxpayers of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham?
NOTTING HILL HOUSING, has it not put in place an EVIL way of abusing the Human Rights of the vulnerable tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING?
SOCIAL ENGINEERING PLAN - Notting Hill Housing (landlords)
Anti-racism is the modern McCarthyism. Instead of stamping out bigotry [i.e. blind or excessive zeal] or prejudice of any kind, Notting Hill Housing (NHH) and its agents stamp out the very core elements of any decent and human society - the twin pillars of 'truth' and 'justice'.
Those faceless management of NHH who hide behind the other twin pillars of 'unaccountability' and 'lack of transparency' through their confrontational management who invariably seek to goad and provoke a negative tenancy relationship (as they visit tenants in their two's) robustly resist any legitimate claims of bigotry and prejudice and promptly denounce the truly vulnerable tenant victims as bigots, prejudiced and anti-social.
Any tenant who submits legitimate complaints in writing (761+ of them) [what about all the astronomical number of unofficial complaints?] to Notting Hill Housing and any respectable complainant finds themselves immediately identified by the unaccountable anonymous and non consulting landlord, that acts in a truly totalitarian evil way.
It immediately goes into defensive and then attack mode. It wrongly labels and cowardly and bullyingly identifies as 'targets' and hostile any complainant in writing as an 'enemy'.
It MARGINALISES. It DEMONISES. It ISOLATES. [e.g. to another address, in order to alienate the good respectable tenant from friends, community ties and social ties, 'social engineering' by the 'back door'].
It DISCREDITS [as 'mad' or 'bad'] through smears, lies and intimidation.
It HARASSES. [through convincing the tenant there are purported 'rent arrears' through concocted rent account demands + inhibits Housing Benefit payments through the third party close liaison that is maintained at the local housing department of the local London Borough [as the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham - there is a complete breach of all confidentiality and the safeguards of the Data Protection Act 1995] in return for providing the necessary accommodation for the local authority to fulfil its statutory housing requirement.
In return, the statutory standards of repair of NHH properties by inspection undertaken by the local authority are relaxed + NHH management tries to compel visits to engage and confront tenants for any tenant that complains of unlawful disrepair not carried out by the landlord - as most of the properties of NHH are in negligent and reckless disrepair + then for complaining in writing NHH place a materialisation of purported debts + then NHH concoct, a raising of spurious matters through the instrument of the court (with a Labour Party supporting judge used to stitch up a good respectable tenant in the county court) by misrepresenting 'illusion' to the court masked as purported 'fact'.
As a result, succumbing to the 'double-think' which is undermining good respectable human beings with human rights who seek bedrock values of truth, justice and moral clarity; not moral confusion which is slowly paralysing the Trust's vital functions for the tenants to be compromised in not being able to call to account its deceitful management and for management of NHH to not consult with its tenant beneficiaries, as the management trustees are in reality in their respective posts in order to faithfully serve the purposes of the Trust, which was set up to provide good homes in good repair by responsive, responsible, courteous and consultative management!
On receipt of a complaint in writing from a vulnerable tenant, the immediate response by NHHT landlords to the vulnerable tenant is:
1) ATTACK mode
2) TARGET (good tenant)as enemy
Reality: Confrontational, Rachmanistic, unaccountable (761+ official complaints) - how many unofficial complaints?
Illusion: Charity shops, offer 80% homes for sale, Registered Social Landlord (RSL)
Adolf Eichmann [prioritisation for the 'right' races]
Reverse discrimination of vulnerable NHHT tenants
Promote priority for minority races - low priority for Caucasian/white males and all elderly whites and all servicemen.
PRIORITY STATUS [Inversion of Eichmann Plan]:
1.Young White females [Kate Davies (29/3/56)]
2.Afro-Caribbean/African [Most management]
3.Indian [Geeta Nanda (17/7/65)]
4.African [Ibijoke Eso (15/3/70)]
5.White 'trash' [don't bother about them?]
A large turnover of staff occurs, as the good idealistic staff feel obliged to leave as confrontation and negative treatment is invariably dispensed by NHHT management to any tenant that complains to the senior management in writing.
Erosion of standards is done to replace the present good one for another standard - lack of accountability and lack of transparency, with a total lack of consultation.
Quality of Life:
Bad Quality of life not good under present Labour Party control of NHHT Board of Trustee/Directors
Never ever trust the managemenmt of NHHT - they are the most evil wicked vile creatures that have been allowed to roam free in London.
Ms Onike Porther, one of the management of Notting Hill Housing Trust from Southerner Road, west London was found hanged - some have asserted - with very good reason - that the confrontational, arrogant, despised chief executive [Ms Kate Davies] of Notting Hill Housing Trust - who encourages her management to confront and unlawfully harass the good respectable vulnerable tenant beneficiaries was behind her killing - is that true?
Ms Davies seems to be despised and hated as perhaps the worst chief executive in this country.
Ms Kate Davies does she not want to kill President Putin? Is she not giving unaccountable British taxpayers money to destroy President Putin by the back door - she is a dirty creature.
If she was not a so-called Special Adviser to the corrupt Labour Party she would not be the chief executive.
It has been asserted widely that the irresponsible Ms Davies got friendly to Labour Lord Tom Sawyer just to seek accelerated preferment and promotion.
Is that true?
It is well known that Ms Davies is so arrogant that she never answers letters from any of the vulnerable tenants. She seems to act like some latter day Marie Antoinette? Let them eat cake says she - when the elderly disabled and young single parents are living in slum hovels infested with live wild rats.
How dare she?
She can be found in her palatial chandeliered first floor flat, balconies included, at Flat 2, the Corner Lodge, 107 Sussex Gardens, Radnor Place, Paddington, City of Westminster, London W2 2RU.
With a choice of 19,000 (nineteen) properties and unaccountable assets of some five thousand million pounds (£5,000,000,000) and access to hundreds of millions of pounds in the vaults of Barclays Bank at Ealing, Canary Wharf and other branches, she made sure she would live some 500 yards to the property that Mr Anthony Charles Lynton Blair [Blair the Betrayer] moved to.
"People's Princess" Mr Blair moved to
29 Connaught Square which will be attached to
5 Archery Close [in the cul de sac], Paddington, City of Westminster, London W2 [west of the Edware Road and north west of Marble Arch].
The area of London of Connaught Square to where Mr Blair moved is known as Tyburnia. It is the place where betrayers and traitors would be sentenced to death. What is more, most of the neighbours to 29 Connaught Square are of Arabic descent, against whom Mr Blair waged an unlawful war. [As the unlawful war did not have the sanction of a second UN resolution by the Security Council.]
Of this fact most lawyers with a modicum of legal knowledge are only too well aware.
Philippe Sands QC and many eminent lawyers at Matrix Chambers would endorse this legal axiom.
Only the Labour Party flag-waving, ever-cheering Labour Lord Peter Goldsmith the Labour government Attorney General [appointed by Labour leader Mr Blair] who must be lying or thinking of losing his Labour Party sinecure or he must have a very poor grasp of International law and is not too sure at arriving at the only legal conclusion - it was, is and always will be an unlawful war.
The reason the days are numbered for the Betraying Bomber Blair and the 'Wicked Witch' Cherries Booth/Blair of Matrix Chambers who is meant to specialise in Human Rights but does not appear to know too much about legal rights or even human rights - as her husband commits more abuses of Human Rights than anyone else.
Mr Blair has indeed started 5 separate wars!
The practising of law by Ms Chierie Booth/Blair of Matrix Chambers, Gray's Inn, Gray's Inn Road, by Chancery Lane Undergound Station, is this not another huge Conflict of Interest [Public Duty - Private Interest]?
Besides, just imagine if you are a Judge and the wife of the prime minister comes before you to argue a case - what does this mean?
You could be not promoted, side-lined, opened up to censure, politically emasculated.
No, the wife of the prime minister should not be practising as a lawyer, as the prime minister and his flat mate decide on which lawyers are appointed as judges, promoted, dismissed or adverse comments are inscribed on their 'yellow sheets' for the rest of their careers.
Law is a tool of the political elite - simple as that!
Law can too easily be abused in Britain today - especially if a powerful entity with access to deep unaccountable pockets, like Notting Hill Housing Trust of 27 Hammersmith Grove, Hammersmith, west London, W6 OJL can unlawfully suborn or bribe dodgy deceitful lawyers who are meant to be representing the "best interests" of vulnerable tenant beneficiaries of the Notting Hill Housing Trust.
Is it not the case that Notting Hill Housing Trust invariably come to an amicable accommodation and did it not buy the lawyers off who represent their opponents?
Law in the main street of Peckham Rye can be corrupt?
Is not the extent of corruption in the centre of Hammersmith, west London just as obscenely corrupt - with the Labour Party dictating the terms in betraying its most vulnerable tenants - the disabled, the most young, the housebound, those single parents trying to cope as best they can, those in wheelchairs, the infirm?
Ms Davies knows exactly the consequences of her evil polices.
2008 - GLENROTHES Election
2008 - GLENROTHES Election
2008 - GLENROTHES Election
Elections in Scotland - LABOUR PARTY is in complete MELTDOWN.
John Smith