The Homeless Move to BushVille.
Lloyd Hart | 19.09.2008 23:22 | Workers' Movements
By Lloyd Hart
This is what I have been watching the wires for, a report revealing the
21st. century Hooverville. As long ago as four years I was a warning
everyone who would listen that there was the worst economic crisis in a
generation coming. The reason I said this is because I saw the suits
do this once before.
In the 1980's the Reagan/Bush crime syndicate created an artificial
increase in the price of real estate causing an entire generation to
consider selling and then selling off homes that had already been paid
off or had been close to being paid off fueling a self perpetuating
machine that increased the price of real estate far beyond what was
reasonable for the working-class and middle-class to pay for rent or
mortgage. And when the American public including investors and
deregulated S & L speculators finished dumping the nation's capital
into real estate and the real estate market became saturated with too
much new and existing product, there came a point when the nation had
bought as much real estate as it could. All of sudden the radically
increasing cash flow that made Reagan look like an economic genius came
to an end and the entire house of cards the Reagan built collapsed into
over 15 million people becoming homeless.
This housing bubble we're watching collapse before our very eyes is
exactly the same scam except on a much grander scale in part because of
the deregulated banking sector where banks could gamble depositor money
more freely in speculative instruments called investor backed mortgage
securities traded on the stock market, but the more important part of
why this economic collapse will be worse than even the Great Depression
is as a result of Bill Clinton signing the NAFTA agreement. Draining
the nation of high-paying jobs that the original free-trade agreement
stole from Canada which NAFTA then moved to the Third World slave wage
states like Mexico and China along with millions of domestic American
jobs that helped build the middle-class to what was before the
Reagan/Bush crime syndicate began to reverse the prosperity of the
American people.
One of the more interesting additions to this nightmare created by the
suits in Washington and on Wall Street and why this collapse will be
far more intense, is the addition to the speculative real estate market
in the U.S. by the international banking community which greatly
expanded and sped up the inevitable saturation of the market. With not
just America's money locked up in real estate with no where to go but
now because Banks and investors from all round the world invested in
this Ponzi scam it is going to become harder for central banks in all
nations to sell Treasury securities like the U.S. has just done to bail
the insurance giant company AIG. The more Treasury bonds the central
bank's of nations around the world sell the value of the currency's of
those nations against the price of goods will fall making matters even
I am predicting that 30 million people will be made homeless while
millions of homes sit empty just in the U.S. alone. Who knows what the
numbers will be worldwide. What greater symbolic evidence does one
need to have placed in front of them than the stark contrast of the
world's wealthiest 10 percent living in a giant mansions while the
people who created the wealth that put the world's wealthy in those
mansions live in homeless camps all around the world.
As many among us end up homeless as a result of lawlessness and fascism
of the monopolistic markets, it's not just regulation the economy and
the environment needs, it's democracy. The democratic distribution of
wealth to not just human beings but to the planet and all the planet
It is my position that the first place we must start is with debt
forgiveness right across the board and not just for the investment
banking community that contributed the most to the Bush crime family
syndicate's election coffers.
All mortgages, all credit cards, all business and personal loans, every
form of debt must be forgiven and the homeless given full and complete
ownership without debt or strings attached of the empty houses that are
foreclosed on or are sitting empty because they're not selling. And
while this debt forgiveness is occurring all elections in the U.S. must
be brought up to international standards in order to guarantee that a
democratic outcome occurs after every election. From this place and
this place only there may be an opportunity to begin to turn things
around. Otherwise?
I'll see you in Bushville!
In hard times, tent cities rise across the country
By EVELYN NIEVES - 21 hours ago
Lloyd Hart
Lloyd Hart