Hands Off Latin America: London 17 Sept
Peter Marshall | 18.09.2008 10:50 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | London | World
NUJ General Secreatary Jeremy Dear speaking
Jeremy Dear, Venezualan flag and armed police
Bolivian Women Say ...
Protesters listen to speeches
Both countries have expelled their US ambassadors in response to these attempts, which seem to be part of a Bush initiative to end his time in office by pulling down any left-wing governments in Latin America. Equador is also under threat from such illegal actions by US agencies.
The US re-established its Fourth Fleet on July 1; this was disbanded some 50 years ago when the Americans realised there was no longer a threat from the German navy and submarines to allied convoys, and the new fleet is intended to intimidate countries in the Caribbean, Central and South America
There were a number of speeches in English and Spanish, including one by NUJ General Secretary Jeremy Dear. The picket was followed by a rally at the NUJ's offices with speakers expected to include ambassadors, MPs and union leaders, although I was unable to continue to this.
The area around the US Embassy has been extensively remodelled, establishing a pedestrian area in place of the roadway and also surrounding the building with reinforced bollards to prevent vehicle attacks. It does make it a more pleasant area in which to hold protests.
While the picket was being held, one of the Met's Jankel armoured Guardian TIV (Tactical Intervention Vehicles) was at the south corner of the area and work was being carried out on one of these bollards. Jankel is a Weybridge-based company (with strong connections to Jordan) that specialises in conversions such as these heavily armoured bomb blast and bullet proof vehicles on a Ford 4x4 truck chassis. Company founder Robert Jankel, who died in 2005, was earlier noted for his sports and luxury car designs.
These sinister looking vehicles are often used around Heathrow and also carry the specialist firearms officers of CO19 - they can transport 6-8 officers.
Peter Marshall