Writer's Foundation Certificate
Raindance | 03.09.2008 12:13 | London
10 Craven St, London WC2N 5PE
Date: Starts Wednesday 5 weeks
From 17/24 September 2008
(2 week break for the Raindance Film Festival)
8/15/22 October Duration: 5 evenings
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm Price: £145 + VAT
This course is part lecture and part group discussion.
Week 1: Tools of the Beginning
Getting started. What is an idea?
Where do they come from?
How to create compelling ideas
Copyright and how to protect your ideas
Proper script format and style guide
Week 2 - Casting your movie/story
How to create compelling characters that zoom out of the screen and stay with you
Magnification, traits and other tools
Case study: a character from a current movie will be analysed
Week 3 - Building Your Story
Scene writing and story structure
Creating a page turner
Suspense and other dramatic tools
Week 4 - Writing Compelling Dialogue
The 14 tricks and traps of writing dialogue
The 3 tracks for recording dialogue
Honing and mixing effective dialogue
Week 5 - Pitching Skills Workshop
Pitching is one of the most essential skills needed for a successful career in the film industry. It is also one of the least considered by new entrants to the industry.
Running a pitch meeting
The goals of a pitch meeting
Using visual aids
Finding your hook
Pitching tools explained and demonstrated