Stay away from Denmark
Red Revolution | 18.08.2008 10:05 | Anti-racism | Culture | Globalisation
Don’t come. Stay away. For your own, and your family’s sake.
The Danish society is in 2008 run by a right-wing extremist government, controlled by a right out fascist party called: The Danish Peoples Partry (Dansk Folkeparti). They hate foreigners.
The general atmosphere in Denmark is bad, very bad.
Especially if you are a possible refuge that is planning to seek asylum in Denmark,
help your self: don’t do it.
Germany was ruled by Adolf Hitler. The mentality of the Danish government is the same as the German, where.
Further more, if you are a tourist, a white person etc., we will also warn you from visiting Denmark. If you get sick acutely from some disease, in a traffic accident or something equal to that; there is a big possibility that you will get no treatment. Many tourists have died in Den-mark because they couldn’t get sufficient treatment.
This is due to tree decades of budget cut dawns on the Danish NHS. Thousands of Danes are already waiting on treatment for cancer, for example. Many die on these waiting lists.
Furthermore Denmark has a lot of so-called street crime. Stabbings and gang related shoot-ings are almost daily.
Another issue is the prizes on hotels, restaurants, eating out in general. It's expensive.
Extremely expensive. Apart from that anything else is very expensive in Denmark.
A double room in a tourist hotel in Copenhagen city cost approximately 220 £ or 500 US $ per night. A two miles trip in a taxi will cost you 50 US $.
And if you are so unfortunate that you already are in Denmark: leave. And remember:
this is not any right wing treat, no, quiet the opposite.
Red Revolution
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