Green councillor excludes community activists - not the first time!
richarddirecttv | 11.07.2008 20:57 | Free Spaces | Oxford
There remain a number of troubling questions about Ms Sareva's involvement in the EOCC, which hopefully can be answered so that we can set the record straight. Cllr Sareva seems to have been instrumental in the eviction of the social club and the revocation of its licence. She was present at the hearing the police called proposing to revoke the club's licence. She did not speak as a witness for either side, but cat-called during the meeting during the witness statements of representatives of the club (at one point shouting "they're drugs liberals", which I found personally offensive). There is the mysterious relationship of Cllr Sareva with the security firm Hawk Securities who secured the building the night of the Special General Meeting and had been on nightly duty at the club prior to its closure. It appears that though Ms Sareva was working as a volunteer during her Friday night stints on the door with Hawk Security, the Club nevertheless paid Hawk Security for her services. Why? In the weeks prior to the eviction of the club one of the Hawk guards was heard to say that "soon we'll be in charge here". What did he mean? Was he merely speaking out of turn? At one point we were told by the administrator of the EOCC that Cllr Sareva had applied to run the bar now that the social club was evicted. We understand that this application was now either been withdrawn or rejected. This is surely right, as it would appear to be a clear conflict of interest.
On the day of the Cowley Road Carnival, it was also clear that Ms Sareva was running the security operation which so many people found offensive on the biggest communty day of the year. I personally witnessed two occasions where the security on the door contacted her to find out what they should do. Who was running the bar, and where did the profits go? The social club used to run the bar as a trading arm of the (charitable) community association. If on July 6th it was run as a franchise, who was the licensee and designated premises supervisor, and how were the profits disposed of?
If you're concerned about what's going on at the East Oxford Community Centre, please join the Community Association (01865 792168), 44b Princes Street.
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