London Citizens' Zimbabwean Action day - Friday 11th July 2008
Chiara / No Borders London | 08.07.2008 09:58 | Anti-racism | Migration
Calling for the liberation of Zimbabweans in the UK from the dehumanizing limbo in which thousands currently find themselves.
Invest In the People Of Zimbabwe resident in the UK
Britain can best help Zimbabwe in its dark hour by enabling its future leaders to acquire the skills to rebuild the country when the opportunity comes. Instead, thousands of Zimbabwean exiles in the UK live in limbo.
As part of our Strangers into Citizens Campaign, London Citizens members will join Faith leaders, MPs and UK Zimbabweans to call for the right to work and training for Zimbabwean exiles in the UK.
The Action on Friday 11th will be as follows:
11:30am Meet at St Margaret's Church, Westminster Abbey
12:00pm Service led by Archbishop of York, John Sentamu
1:30pm: Rally and walk to Home Office; Parliament Square. and South Bank
From Mugabe's thugs to a life of poverty in Britain
The Government faces growing pressure to allow Zimbabweans living in exile in the UK the right to work, as those with failed asylum cases are forced to live in a poverty-stricken state of limbo. All deportations to Zimbabwe have been on hold while the violence continues there, leaving thousands whose claims have been rejected choosing to stay in the UK in destitution rather than return. Unable to work or claim benefits, they have escaped Robert Mugabe's clutches only to find themselves living a life of poverty in Britain. Now the Independent Asylum Commission - the impartial body analysing the UK asylum system - has demanded that the Government show compassion.
Full article: Jason Alden, The Independent, Sunday, 6 July 2008
Please get in touch if you have any questions, or if you are able to volunteer to help prepare for the action, or as a steward on the march.
Best wishes,
Joanna Purkis
South London Citizens
T: 020 7043 9880
M: 07815 779378
London Citizens: The capital's most diverse community alliance, which includes more than 100 churches, mosques, schools, trade unions and charities. London Citizens teaches the art of politics in action - allowing ordinary people to bring about social change.
~London's Communities Acting Together for Change~
112 Cavell Street - London - E1 2JA
Strangers into Citizens
Call for a Pathway to Legal Status for Long-Term Migrants
Chiara / No Borders London