4th - 10th July Call to Action
Idiotic Idealist | 26.06.2008 11:01 | Social Struggles | World
In the context of the coming campaign 4th - 10th July
Haltemprice and Howden, Yorkshire, England
And this cannot be done by big corporations or capital (represented by DD) nor by large, bureacratic governments (represented by Westminster and EU cabal) but *only* by ordinary people, working together, in common cause to transform the world. Ever it has been thus.
So surely the best debate on Civil Liberties will be one stimulated by an extraordinary rendition by the people of this land, and elsewhere? And shouldn't all of us be calling for that, and looking for opportunities to act together together toward that: for total social, economic and political change, from bottom to top?
Between now and 2012, may all the peoples of the covenant find the way to act together, in sublime honour of the Great God of Israel, The One True God of Mohammed, Jesus, Isaiah, Abraham and all the other Prophets and Messengers. Peace and Blessings Be Upon Them All.
BTW, I like very much People in Common and Shan Oake's idea of Green family picnics across the land, in defence of Civil Liberties. The idea of demonstrating by gathering in public places, outside police stations, town halls and elsewhere, rallying the faithful to a new society by sharing food and conversation (of how we might now begin), and if necessary blockading and/or shutting down misguided institutions, is a great one.
To get started, please do come down and celebrate independence with us this Friday week at our picnic on July 4th. In Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, next to the US Embassy and from 6-8pm. Or picnic elsewhere in solidarity. With Binyam Mohamed, a young man kidnapped by the CIA, tortured and illegally incarcerated in Guantanamo, and now due to be tried in a closed court, and possible executed by the US administration.
In every locality, throughout England, the UK, EU, USA and Beyond: may the truth of human freedom, justice and peace forever reign!
M, London
July 25th 2008
Idiotic Idealist