Now I'm Gonna Love You!
Bro Bubba Bob | 21.06.2008 14:18 | Education | Health | Terror War | Birmingham
"Look! You are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless! Hear O earth, I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes because they have not listened to my words...." (Jer. 7:8; 6:19)
Prelude: "Wake it! Shake it! Drag it out and break it!" 1/27 Psst! A War! A War to End All Wars 2/2 Hitler Was a Patriot Too! 2/4 No body? Quick! Get the woodchipper! 2/6 South American anti-FARC demonstrations. 3/2 Big Red Captain Charts the Course
The Educated Fool: This is a five part Forum Topix post now titled "Wake It! Shake It!.." or "How I Won the War".
Hola! I have returned to college campuses after thirty years and have found that there is a conspiracy to enable stupidity to thrive to an extreme. This affects students on all levels of education because imposters are forcing them out of higher education. What I say about secret access codes being used is hard to prove since universities are now closed communities with their own access systems like Cornell's Bear Access. With all work now being done on the computer, it is possible for even the stupidest people to graduate from elite universities.
I feel that now is a good time to reveal how the foolish Bush Nazis who worship stupidity (Deut. 13:6-9) are educated in the 21st century, since they have taken their schemes to new heights following my revelations of their techniques in "Education of Fools Exposed" and other articles, most of which are not available now. What is happening today is nothing like the "Morons America Style" of yesteryear who would just have someone like the Storm Troopers; i.e. Secret Service or Skull and Bones swear on their mother's grave that this or that degree candidate had a "brain", and the degree would appear "out of the blue". No longer can they just attend graduation and slap each other on the back and say they graduated for having attended graduation and securing a forged diploma. Now they actually have to attend the schools for four years, but the System is set up, so that even the stupidest ones can secure a diploma.
Now all of the work materializes via the computer. There are no sites available that address any subjects in any depth. It is all generalized and dumbed down with very few details of how the knowledge became accepted as fact. As a result of this, all students are getting the same generalized information and producing nearly identical papers on whatever is called for. Even though the professors may claim to change the format each year; the new material is also generalized so that all are doing the same stuff. In steps the wannabe student with fabricated SAT scores and a mastery of computer hacking via secret access codes. Since all students are doing the same generalized work, it is a simple matter to copy another student's work and fool the professor into thinking the wannabe student produced it. Up at Cornell the students avoided the libraries where hackers ruled totally, and a similar situation probably materializes everywhere. Look up any subject on a card catalogue on the computer, and you will probably get one valid reference and a host of worthless ones; thus to seek out other pertinent material, you have to go to the stacks and browse through material with similar call numbers. In the stacks lurk the Bush Nazis who have been tracking anyone using the card catalogue; thus you will find the area of your search full of chemicals in air, usually a moderate concentration of sulphur, which will give you a headache at the very least. After a few tries at doing legitimate original research at a library, the serious student will just relent and rely totally on the generalized excuse for knowledge that is available on the computer. When it comes to testing, it is possible to obtain any test in advance if it has been typed on the computer and/or copied on a copy machine that can be accessed via a computer. This generalization of knowledge has allowed for the proliferation of stupidity in higher education to such a degree that many of the professors are the product of this dumbed down computer knowledge. An A-level paper should include new well-researched information that surprises even the professor reading it; but it probably never happens anymore. Every single interaction between computers is recorded on the Internet, and this hacking business should have been stopped long ago, but it seems like you have to use these secret access codes in order to witness intercomputer communications and such hacking. Even though the detection and elimination of such hacking is the easiest way to straighten out higher education, there are other ways that will work just as well.
As I have made clear before, let them go back to calling on students to read aloud passages from the texts. The professors will be able to see immediately what their intellectual capabilities are. Oral exams might be another foolproof answer, for just picking random material from a topic will determine if a student has a good grasp or a poor grasp of all of the material in the topic. Even in instances where the class is very large, it is still possible to determine whether or not each student knows all the material or just part of it by randomly selecting a portion of it and testing the students individually in person. Since people lacking in intelligence should have never gotten into colleges to begin with, the admissions offices certainly need to do a better job of judging who they are admitting to school. If necessary they could have the students fill out their application forms in person. Since there obviously seems to be flaws in the college board testing process for stupidity to proliferate like this, the scores should be verified via embossed test results from valid sites that cannot be altered in any way. College board tests probably cannot be printed, copied, or put on computers with Internet hookup at all without hackers accessing them. Last but not least, professors might want to vary the method and mode of testing from year to year so that a Bush Nazi could not cheat by obtaining critical information from someone who had taken the course before.
The access codes being used are from the Federal Government; thus it will probably be necessary to restrict the use of such codes in order to stop them from dreaming up another scheme to educate fools. (Sound the Horn! Stop the Key Block! What Not? 2001 described such an access code being embedded in the @ 3,000 character Key Block.) Up at Cornell they have Cornell Information Technologies, which apparently trains dropouts and flunkouts, teaching them what they need to do to remain on campus and masquerade as students, hacking to their hearts delight. It's probably the same all over. 12/11 Bush Daddy says that Cornell Information Technologies is told that these dropouts and flunkouts are so Gad damn intelligent that they seem stupid! If you know dumkopfs are copying your work, put a few obscene lines in it, something like that, or call up and say that you are one of the poopheads doing this stuff, and you want to make it stop. Re: Public libraries: Video cassettes are a waste of money, worthless films, and proof of illiteracy.
12/27 I received a new TV with a hookup for a computer. I learned that I need a hard drive and a server to hook up. I have found that servers are just a ruse of the System to enslave computer users; plus you should not need a hard drive to use a computer via TV, only a keyboard, for the server should be able to do everything that the hard drive does, especially in this age of wireless computers. If one needs to be dependent on servers in order to use a computer, might as well be dependent on the server for whatever the hard drive does. Considering the amount of toxic waste in a hard drive, one can only conclude that it is all about money and milking the public for all their worth.
From Militant Bush Nazis in the Works 12/24: Bah! Bush Nazis! Poor excuses for excrement! That's a compliment, meaning they'll never amount to poop! This might be "goodbye" for the year. See Letter to My Librarian on Buffalo and LA IMC. Secure computers just don't come easy these days.
Re: Letter to My Librarian:...Let me point out that I sent an email containing a sample of my work to XXXX at the beginning of this week, and it took 11 tries and publication of the contents as Letter to My Librarian on Buffalo and LA IMCs in order for me to get through to her. What do you think this says about the security of any student who deals with matters such as I do? I bet that if any material that aggravates those who were messing with those emails comes through, the reply doesn't come in print nor do they get 11 tries or the chance to publish their case. I am seeking a secure computer because it is about the only way to reach anyone.
From Miami FT: Saving Taylor? 11/29 I wonder if the following might have saved Sean Taylor who died of a gunshot wound to the femoral artery. I guess it may also depend on how high the wound was; but take a wire coat hanger, pull it up as high as possible in the crotch on the injured leg and twist it tight into a torniquet with a stick of wood or something like that. Even though you may not find it in the First Aid books, I bet that would work for wounds high on the leg where a cloth torniquet just isn't practical. Also direct pressue of 30 plus pounds may have helped in such a situation. Ask Hitler's Health Care what they think about this. 11/30 So! What's the verdict? Would it work? I bet it would work much faster than a cloth torniquet; i.e. less than ten seconds. So fast that Taylor might have been able to save himself if he was alone. There is probably no need to remove the pants either. Duct tape is probably another valid recourse.
12/3/07 MANY ARE CALLED, FEW ARE CHOSEN!?? Did you wonder about CALLED and CHOSEN? Me too! Here I thought that it was Matthew 22:14; but then I realized that it pertains to Revelations 17:14. These kind caring Bush Nazis are making war on the Lamb!(2 Cor. 11:14)
That was from Till He Blesses Buffalo!, something like that. That was a song that I sent to Marv Levy and the Bills when they were moving for the Super Bowl and when I was still working from a manual typewriter and trusting the Post Office. Bush Daddy brags about his poopheads suppressing that song. That line above has to be the most motivational cheer you could yell to make a receiver move like there was no tomorrow.
12/6 NCAA Football was removed from Directory Topix, and Directory Topix had a completely new format! See Why They Love Bob Meade So Much! Save the Bush Nazis! "Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain?(Ps. 2:1) It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) Didn't like the Final Exam? Can always do Practices Marches. "The Practice March of the Army of the Lord had become the Eamon McEneaney Immortalization March from Dryden to Cornell or Eamon McEneaney's Practice March of the Army of the Lord. It can't be a problem if they're just practicing. Practice Marches?!! Here! There! Everywhere! Eight Days a Week! Surely God will be pleased!(Is. 9:14-16) Eamon was one of the best lacrosse players to walk the face of the earth. When those planes hit the WTC, I'm sure that he was moving like there was no tomorrow. Whether or not this march will happen depends upon the lighting of watchfires to confirm that history ended and the end of all things drew close because the Bush Nazis had slaughtered the commemorated innocents listed in my writings. The Lord will appear in a flame of fire. (Ex. 3:2; Ez.1:13; 3:5, 5:4; Is. 26:11; 2Thess. 1:7-8) "..I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circled camps...Let the hero born of woman crush the Serpent 'neath his heel while God is marching on...." What you do is announce the Marches to save the Bush Nazis, have a lot of people show up and make like they are going to march; but they just single out the ones who complain and force them to march. See Holy Smoke! * Bobby Meade for Helpful Hints so that these words will not return to Him empty. Psst! That's a ten mile march! You can blame it on The Lord's! The Lord's, a great Organization that no one can count from every tribe, people, language, and nation.(Rev. 5:9-10; 14:6-7) Need Bush Nazi bait? Trying playing some Meadeboy Messenger Music. 3/2 From Big Red Captain Charts the Course: "..I wrote to a webmaster at Cornell when he question my remarks about all the hackers up at Uris Library. I explained that I observed them up there, and it's plain as day that they were not students, and they monopolize the computer room down and to the left of the entrance. I also mentioned that Captain Randy Hausner, who led the Cornell Police force for @ 20 or 30 years was probably murdered there, and they brought his body out through the tower entrance to avoid going out the main entrance. There was no mention of Hausner's death for weeks after it happened. GHW Bush says that they kept his body in a morgue and moved on anyone who tried to find out what happened to him. .. Another thing that I revealed to Captain Hausner was what I knew about Cornell's Big Red Charter, which empowers Cornell to do whatever it takes to get rid of these Bush Nazis, create a "nation on that day", and claim Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12) The 1963 New World Translation of the Holy Scripture has the best map of Judah, the "USSR of the Mideast"."
To Omaha IMC: Re: Your fallen ones: Do what they did or should have done in Blacksburg; i.e. "the earth will conceal her slain no longer".(see Holy Smoke!* Bobby Meade) You leave the bodies "like dung upon the open field".(Jer. 9:22) "Those who complain will accept instruction." (Is. 29:24) .. Since I didn't chastise the media for glorifying Robert Hawkins, that is what they are doing. They stopped immediately when I chastised them for glorifying the Virginia Tech shooter. I bet you find that this Hawkins kid was idolizing Klebold and Harris of Columbine fame if the police aren't trying to suppress his contacts. I bet you find a connection to the Bush Nazis too if it's not suppressed. Find out who planted these ideas of fame in his head. Leave those bodies in the open field, for that proves this is a Holy Nation that does not get shook about anything. Those who complain will be Bush Nazis more likely than not.
12/31 Re: Tiger Hunting in San Francisco: Set them all loose! "Call out to the birds and all the wild animals, "Come together for the great feast on the mountains of Israel!"" (Ez. 39:17) Those animals should have never been locked up in the first place. This is a Holy Holy Holy Land! 1/2/08 To socrates: You babble like an idiot. I am not going to explain anything to such a moron. The lion will lie down with the lamb because they will be stuffed full of dumkopfs like you. Be silent in the Lord's presence. Bobby Meade The Lord's
From Baltimore Forum Topix: Eyes That Do Not See (Jer. 5:21 Is. 6:10 Ez. 12:2) : I read an article on glaucoma last night, published by Gannet. Are they of the Gad damn tribes of Gar and Gan? In it, your expert, Quigley talked of an epidemic of retinopathy without mentioning macular degeneration. I believe that the primary cause of blindness from macular degeneration is from watching TV in the dark. It has not been mentioned since the sixties that watching TV in the dark is the same thing as looking into the sun because of ultraviolet radiation. I read that there was an epidemic of macular degeneration in DC when I lived there. They all watch TV in the dark. Why? Are they told that their windows will be shot out if they turn the lights on? Are they told that they can see the picture much better? Is the suppression of this information part of Hiter's Health Care?
From NY FT: Nicotine Madness: In response to commercials portraying amputations attributed to smoking: New York Anti-smoking Poster "Boy", Skip Legault said that his parents made him eat a pack of cigarettes when he was a kid. 3 cigarettes is probably a fatal dose. Nicotine is one of the most toxic substances there is. If he did eat them, that is probably what messed him up more than smoking! You always hear about babies dropping dead from nibbling on cigarette butts that they've seen in their parents mouth. It is no bull! Tobacco is of the Deadly Nightshade family. What in God's name ails this medical profession to make like smoking did this to Legault? Check and see, and I bet his troubles started when he was forced to eat cigarettes. 1/15 Since Bush Daddy said that the Bush Nazis have been using nicotine as a means of chemical assault (nicotine is in insecticides), I researched the matter. Nicotine can be absorbed from guts, lungs, and skin. Ingestion of small amounts of nicotine, a bitter-tasting compound, causes vomiting, nausea, headaches, salivation, abdominal cramps, stomach pains, agitation, a rapid weak pulse, and bowel and bladder evacuation. Larger amounts cause convulsions, extreme weakness, confusion, paralysis, coma, respiratory arrest, and death. Even though it says that ingestion of nicotine causes the blood vessels to collapse, they say that they still haven't linked it to peripheral vascular disease. Duh! The fatal dose is listed as 40 milligrams per kilogram. I bet that Skip Legault has always had peripheral vascular disease since his parents made him eat those smokes. Smoking is a big deal with these Bush Nazis probably because they are trying to justify Bush Daddy dumping his buddies in the Pacific, saying that he smelled smoke in the cockpit after telling his buddies that he didn't mind if they smoked. "The curse of an evil deed is that it will always continue to engender evil" Schiller. So it goes as Nicotine Madness replaces the Reefer Madness of yesterday. "Behold they are less than nothing.." (Is. 41:23-24) Although Bush Daddy says that Nazi death doctor Nicky Exarchou has boxcars full of nicotine etc. to dump on you, don't get shook! I can probably save you or at least you will probably die laughing. Bush Daddy keeps saying, "Kill every poophead! Kill every poophead!", hoping I'll repeat it, so that he can say that was my work and justify his throwing chemicals at me, suppressing my writings, etc. His plan is to wait until every poophead is dead, then come forward and say that he was the one who got rid of every poophead, probably thinking that people will let him live as the last living poophead.(Is. 14:20) 1/22 Hitler's Health Care is after me again for ignoring the bogus blood test of a few months ago. I told them that it's all about Nicky Exarchou, that he came here after WW II, that he formed Secret Service to protect him and the rest of Hitler's Storm Troopers, and that he is still an Illegal Alien to this day.
12/27 In 2001 I witnessed the apparent elimination of the secretary of the Dean's Office who tried to get someone to address the intentional contamination of M.V. Rensselear Hall with asbestoes by Secret Service with a doctors satchel full of asbestoes when Janet Reno was on campus for graduation. That was the only place on campus with a computer, and that is apparently the payback. (see Asbestoes, Asthma, and Your Rattling Last Breaths) The building was so badly contaminated with asbestoes that it should have been torn down or all the carpeting removed, at the very least. Carpets become toxic reservoirs of asbestoes and vacuuming merely stirs the stuff up. Is it any wonder that Granada Group; i.e. the Serpent founded on Holocaust earnings, has 96,000 links for carpets.) Ref. Militant Bush Nazis in the Works 12/24
1/3/08 I was able to detect the contamination of MVR Hall because they had dumped iron dust and asbestoes on me when I was swimming in the pool at Teagle. It caused instant pain and scarred my lungs so that I could detect fibers in the practically any concentration. Reindeer Corporation, a rogue corporation from Cortland had been sanding the pipes at Emerson Hall when that happened. Emerson was also contaminated beyond belief by what they did there. They shouldn't touch that stuff until the building is torn down. I also detected the probable intentional contamination of Goldwin Smith and Sibley Halls. What do you think happens when people go to Hitler's Health Care for respiratory problems? Brake dust is another favorite of theirs, short straight fibers, visible when you shake contaminated clothing close to a light against a dark background. As for the secretary of the Dean's Office, I believe that her name was Beebe, maybe a relative of the Beebes that Beebe Lake was named after. She "died unexpectedly" a few days after I warned her of what had happened in MVR. I wrote extensively about my experiences with asbestoes in 2001, but most of it has been suppressed to an extreme. GHW Bush says that they have illegal immigrant smokers vacuuming MVR Hall so that they can blame any respiratory problems on their smoking.There's a lot of talk about TCE contamination at IBM sites. I bet that it's asbestoes, and they are targetting anyone who tries to draw attention to the resulting respiratory problems. Bush Daddy said that Microsoft rubbed out IBM with asbestoes!!???
Science Refresher: Asbestoes fibers are visible to the unaided eye. Talk of filtering elements and/or molecules with air or water filters usually pertains to what is in big particles. There are a million microns in a meter; a billion nanometers in a meter; and a trillion atoms in a nanometer. What is known about atoms and molecules has come via deduction; i.e. it's never been witnessed directly.
From US Sen. & Rep. FT: Tell W that the only war worth fighting is against his old man and those who support his old man and that when he stops, it will be his turn. (Is. 33:1) Bush Daddy says that he ditched his buddies in the Pacific, saying that he smelled smoke in the cockpit, after telling them that he didn't mind if they smoked. The Navy appararently recovered this B-25. No word yet on the smoke source.
Comment after The Word, Maine IMC 1/3/07: Also this morning Bush Daddy claimed that the Saudi Arabians had banished him and W, something like that. (He said that they told him that he and W could make no more speeches here.) I was barely awake but I immediately informed him that he had banished himself and W by saying such a thing. I further informed him that Hillary could take over without further ado. 12/12 That was Bro Bubba Bill's woman that I was talking about. In one of my first articles on the computer, Silent Murder Epidemic, which has been suppressed, I informed you that I had typed the whole story via TTY to Bro Bubba Bill on his last day in the White House, and he had declared a State of Emergency over this Silent Murder Epidemic; furthermore the dumkopfs shut down the Federal Government for Inauguration 2001, not understanding that they never opened up again and that the Inauguration could probably not be official when it was shut. As far as I know, the State of Emergency can only be lifted by Bro Bubba Bill; thus he can surely put his woman Hillary in charge of the State of the Union etc. If your looking for Bro Bubba Bill, last I heard, he was stealing TVs from Air Force One out on the west coast. How come I didn't get no TV? 12/17 Do you remember that chick who moved on Bro Bubba Bill in the White House? I bet that was just a matter of someone having described his pecker to her! 2/7/08 Why do you tolerate these Bush Nazis? Is it worth subjecting yourself to an inane line of questioning in order to occupy the White House where you will be surrounded by an army of Bush Nazis? Do you think that President Putin is not justified in just blowing that place to smithereens if you keep ignoring what the coprophagic intelligence of the Bush Nazis has wrought? Great dread! Great dread where there is nothing to dread. (Ps. 53) Will they shake their heads and say of you, "They did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance!"? (Ps. 78:22) 3/2 Dear Honorable and Esteemed Senator Hillary Clinton; Do you realize that your time in the spotlight is almost up? Have you addressed any aspect of what really ails this place? .. God promised to scatter the bones of anyone camping against you, but you go on addressing the inane things that these dumkopfs want you to address, knowing that no one can address such things without messing up. Don't forget that if you oppose the Devil, he will flee! ..There is no hope for Babylon on the Potomac. Since September the Fools of Babylon 9/30 has been there, explaining how the "blood of all who have been slain on the earth" arises from Washington, DC. There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Who closed your eyes and deafened your ears? GHW Bush said last night that voting results from every single state so far have been rigged! He also said, "No body's gonna make my kid understand!"; i.e. No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It, which means that the Bush Nazis are going to get rid of you and your body and anyone who comes looking for you if you try to prove that they are criminals. That is why God says that the look on their faces will betray them. (Is. 3:9) They have set things up so that you will be killed if you try to prove any of their criminal activities. You have to rely on that look alone.(Deut. 13:6-9) Just mention their rigging the vote etc. Demockracy is a matter of being mocked by demons; kind caring demons, posing as "angels of light". Once you lose on Tuesday, you will probably find it impossible to attract the attention of the media; i.e. GHW Bush's "military".
1/4/08 From Iowa FT: Don't forget that the coprophagic intelligence of the private army of the Bush Nazis can put one of their dumkopfs in the White House with only 20 votes if necessary. Do you wonder why they are computerizing the voting process? Computerized voting? Hit them in the head with your hard drive!
This #4 comment on The Educated Fool is being deleted everywhere I put it, and I was unable to continue posting the 3-part original on NCAA sites beginning with the letter P. That is the Bush Nazis trying to create a "famine for the word of the Lord" (Amos 8:11) Likewise (no address given) has made @ 200 articles of mine inaccessible after I posted all of the final versions there. This is why many IMCs only post my articles for short periods of time. They target anyone who complains about their removing them. If you can't access the referenced articles by title or find it currently on a site, it's best to let it be.
12/13 Sweet kind caring murderous Bush Nazis making war on the Lamb. (2 Cor. 11:14) Do you see what happened to former Pres. Fujimori when he moved on Shining Path, Guzman, etc.? Bush Daddy said that in addition to militant homosexuals, Shining Path is also full of poopheads and Jews. Sweet people! Ask them. They'll tell you themselves! 12/14 I posted the above throughout South America last night. Did they free Fujimori yet? If they had published and shown me the picture of Saddam with his sword before they murdered him, I would have freed him within 24 hours! Saddam was an Israelite living by the sword!(Mt. 26:52 Rev. 13:10)
From : Merry Christmas?? "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a trusted cornerstone for a sure foundation. He who trusts will never be dismayed." Isaiah 28:16 You do not know who the Lord is! Jesus Christ is a title, meaning the Messiah who saves his people. Until there's then, you should sing My Sweet Lord like there's no Gad damn tomorrow! Never quit!
As revealed by pill packets that I place in the door to detect entry, Bush Nazis have entered my apartment @ 500 times to throw chemicals, steal stuff, and/or perforate the place in the past year. On 10/23 they filled the place with ethylene dibromide, which makes you cough a lot. They've been keeping it up since then. 12/21 Five days ago they start throwing cyanide chemicals 24 hours a day. Toxicology books no longer reveal that cyanide causes chest constriction and heart pain. Their foolproof plan is to kill with cyanide and say that you died from the cough. Bush Daddy says that the landlord responsible for this "death trap" is one of Hitler's Storm Troopers and that their true identities are protected by Secret Service, which they formed for that purpose. No need to prove anything. Bush Daddy says to have them dye their hair red, put on a dress, and say that they are the Queer Kennedys.(Is. 33:1) 12/27 The same holds true for the fanatics of Islam in Pakistan and the Middle East! THE LOOK ON THEIR FACES BETRAYS THEM! (Is. 3:9) 1/1/08 EXTRA! News that just crossed Bush Daddy's poop-eaten brain: Benazir Bhutto was killed in the car! The bomb was a distraction to cover up the murder. Do you wonder why the first images showed them carrying Bhutto in a casket? "Quick! Bury this chick!" 1/4/08 Do you understand that this arises from their coprophagic intelligence? They are saying that these red-haired Queer Kennedys are going to be more Irish than the Kennedys because they have red hair; plus they will be dressed as females, the fairer sex. How can they lose? As long as they keep moving on those who God has condemned, it shouldn't be a problem. Bush Daddy said that if they won't dye it red, paint it red! "Trouble ahead! The Lady in Red! Take my advice, you'd be better off dead!" J. Garcia Tell California that their Governor and W could be Queer Kennedys too! They could form a Queer Kennedy rock group! They would be famous! Or is that famished?
"Wake it! Shake it! Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion, which arises from Good Night, Irene, 1936; "Sometimes I get a great notion to jump into the river ... an' drown." It made me go out and perfect woodsplitting. After two years of cutting and splitting hundreds of face cords of dead elm trees; i.e. every worthy dead elm that I could find in Tompkins County; I secured rights to the last beech grove in the area. Elm is the most impossible wood there is to split, and beech is a breeze compared to elm yet it is still considered somewhat hard to split. I perfected a technique where I would hit the wood with the woodsplitter, split it completely without going through it or knocking the pieces over, then I would twist the woodsplitter, and it would pop out, leaving the split pieces standing. I would be producing 12 pieces of wood from @ 22 inch diameter logs in @ 23 seconds, 15 seconds if I pushed myself. On the 11th stroke, I would try to split that last piece so hard that the pieces would all fall over and come apart. Every piece would have a right angle in it, and four of the pieces would have two right angles in them. It got so every single log was being split like that in 11 strokes, with 3 pieces from each quarter. I suspect that splitting wood in a similar way gave rise to bowling, and splitting the last quarter into two triangular pieces on the tenth stroke constituted a "strike". It was the most exhilarating feeling that you could imagine. For a while I was yelling, "Cowabunga!" each time I did a perfect 11 stroke series, for I was literally "killing" that wood, and cowabunga is Tarzan talk, meaning to utterly destroy something. I showed one person this feat. I had brought two of the logs home, and he showed up as a witness between us that this had to be the easiest fastest way to split wood that anyone has ever dreamed up. Maybe he can produce an animated simulation of what I did, for I did it nearly perfect twice for him; i.e. split wood like there was no Gad damn tomorrow! "Want to see it again?" I bet the Great Notion Stampers split wood like that! 2/7 Globe tabloid front page with a picture that was not Paul Newman, saying that was a "Dying Paul Newman"! Que pasa?
ATTN: Bush Daddy brags about the Republicans taking over Congress in 95; thus enabling the Bush Nazis to murder Elijah's mother, Sarah and Jennifer, Timothy McVeigh, Saddam Hussein, and many more. (Never forget! 700 alleged combat deaths in PGW and @ 4,000 in W's poophead war!) It has further empowered Hitler's Health Care to murder at will. Has a one of you had the common sense to check the alumni directory of Yale to see if there is any mention of the Bushes in it? 1/9 Another war? With Iran?! Murder some more soldiers, W! Be a Gad damn war hero like your old man!
From World News, ABCWorldNews, World News Now 1/27/08
Topic: A WAR TO END ALL WARS From: BobbyMeade To: All 3:15 PM
Israel, deaf messenger, at your service. Fight this war everywhere! Could this be WW III?
In this corner is George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the lawless Jacob, the Great Dead King of Israel, the son of perdition, who also thinks that he is Bel, the god of heaven and earth, originating from the snake worship of Egypt.(Is. 14:4-22; 46:1; Mic. 1:5; Hosea 10:3,15; 2 Thess. 2:3) Bush Daddy has been posing as Bel himself, flying around in his Eagle stealth helicoptor, badgering his "military"; i.e. the media into supporting outright lies; starting wars to justify leadership etc. Bush Daddy says that he has been a poophead for seventy years. Now the seventy year reign of the King of Babylon is up.(Jer. 25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid, they called him) to W, Bush Daddy has been in control. How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity?(Deut. 13:6-9) Edom is those who serve the Bush Nazis of Bush Daddy(Amos 6:8; Gen. 25:23, 30; 36:1; Mic. 1:5; Prov. 16:25); thus the Lord has planned a great slaughter in the land of Edom.(Is. 34:6) Secret Service, Zion's Secret Police was formed to protect Bush Daddy and Hitler's Storm Troopers who are Illegal Aliens brought here after WW II. Do you wonder why you can't find any information on them? A private army of @ 100,000 Secret Police to protect Hitler's Storm Troopers! Don't that beat all? Kind caring stupidity, poisoning your air, water, food, or more every chance they get! Coprophagic Intelligence? Is that where the CIA came from? Are they part of this Secret Police network too? Is that why Bush Daddy used to be head of that place? Many cops in Bush Nazi strongholds are hand-picked Bush Nazis from the White House, where they worked for a day or two. They would say, "This one's stupid, he'd make a good cop! That one's stupid, he'd make a good cop! This one's so Gad-damn stupid, he'd make a great cop!"
In the other corner we have W. Bush Dadddy fried W's brain with excrement @ 55 years ago; thus the private army of the Bush Nazis probably put W in the White House with only 20 votes. Every single word that W says is teleprompted. Can you feign importance, repeat big words, ignore people, and brush people off? You could be in the White House too! They will never know that you are brainless! Bush Daddy says that he and W had the guys who signed their diplomas killed. W is too stupid to know that he never graduated from anything. Bush Daddy also says that they are too Gad damn important to have their names in the alumni directory. There is no way any school would pass someone who mangles the language like that. Should we pity such stupidity? Impeach? It is treason punishable by death!
The solution is to start a war between W and his old man! Sounding the horn assures you can!(Num. 10:9 Amos 5:3) The Horn, take an empty one gallon plastic water container, cut the bottom out, cut the cap, insert a one foot piece of hose, and wrap it tightly with duct tape. Freeze it before use. These kind caring Bush Nazis have been making war on the Lamb!(2 Cor. 11:14), so you sound the alarm and create a famine for the word of the war between W and Bush Daddy. They shall run to and fro seeking the word of the war, but they shall not find it.(Amos 8:11-12) Blame anything that happens on W or Bush Daddy. 3/2 "Nothing to say, but "What a day! How's your war been? How do you let W know that those are W's supporters your killing? Do you put some kind of mark on their foreheads? "666, love GHW Bush!"?" GHW said, "NO!" Of course you know that he lives in The Closet; "Where yes means no, and no means yes; Where those without can only guess!" I can only imagine what W is doing to GHW's supporters."
"It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) God's power is in the sky(Ps.68:34); thus you read Psalm #s or ref. from Books like Amos in the clouds and understand via crucial passages what God is calling for each step of the way. A little while, and the wicked will be no more!(Ps. 37:10); thus Bel bows down.(Is. 46:1) The sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13). Over here! Over there! Fight this War everywhere! Ref. Holy Smoke! Bobby Meade or OJ - "Bush Nazis Made Me Do It!"
To Hell With the Super Bowl! or Hitler was a Patriot Too!
From World News Now 10:05 AM 2/2/08
Comment from after Deadly Killer Anthrax Attack: Duh! Do you notice the similarity between the Anthrax spores pictured here and alleged pictures of the AIDS virus in US News last year? Did you read Anthrax; An Ancient Scourge by Bobby Meade? Did you prove that Karposi sarcoma of the early AIDS epidemic was cutaneous Anthrax? Every single flu epidemic has been Anthrax also. Why do you think the Italians cover their furniture with plastic? This has been going on for thousands of years. You don't need a WMD lab to make Anthrax. A vet school will do. All you need is a dead animal. Would you like a hit of Anthrax? Go to the attic over the bungalow at 402 N. Geneva St. Ithaca. There is enough Anthrax in there to kill Boston several times over. Do you wonder why Ray Charles had no vocal cords? They probably "thraxed" him for singing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia!", for they were afraid that the Serpent's cover was blown.
After writing this 1/28, I read that the Giants football team has the flu; i.e. they've probably been "thraxed" as a group some place. FYI: Just as the first plague of Ex. 9:3 produced the dead animals that produced the spores (soot) Ex. 9:8 of the second plague, Ex. 9:9-10, the dead horses of World War I produced the lethal flu epidemic of 1918 that infected one-fifth of the world population. A lot of these chemicalmongering Bush Nazis worship Moses because such stuff came via him. This favorite method of operation from ancient times has been bolstered by the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Sh*ttim(Numbers 25:1-4), giving us a word that means feces. (Seek out my Coprophagia Rules article while it may be found.) Ref. Holy Smoke! Bobby Meade. And from Anthrax; An Ancient Scourge: "Anthrax produces a rise in body temperature, depression, spasms, respiratory or cardiac distress, trembling, staggering, convulsions, and death. ....The Center for Disease Control reveals that the initial symptoms of inhaling Anthrax may resemble a common cold. I agree with this, for it produces a debilitating condition instantly. The flu season has always been the result of Anthrax being dumped into the atmosphere. I know that a baking soda and water-soaked T-shirt strapped to the back of a box fan collects Anthrax if you feel that some chemicalmongerer is throwing it at you. Whatever the case, this alleged new threat has been around for ages, and it has probably been used as a form of chemical warfare for thousands of years. Awareness of the instantaneous toxicological manifestations of exposure is necessary in order to be able to survive. To live a long time, don't go sniffing any mailboxes."
There you go Giants. There is no way these Bush Nazis are going to stop doing such stuff while they are alive. You should have caught them and disposed of them before they did such a thing. You can't miss that look on their faces that testifies against them. (Is. 3:9) This look is usually the coprophagic look, which is a blank vacant look or a self-satisfied smugness, revealing the mind-dulling opiate-like effect of eating feces. They act like nothing can affect them, like they are invulnerable. Just question them, and you will see that they are too stupid to answer the simplest questions. (See Wipe That #$%&-eating Look Off Your Face, 3/26/01) Drink plenty of lemon squeezes and pure water like Poland Springs and maybe you'll get that out of your system by kickoff. And keep your powder dry! BroBubbaBob
From the Patriots Forum: Dear Moronic One; Everything that I say about anything scientific is backed up by the foremost books available. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the past twelve years I have been the unwilling witness to everything that crosses George Herbert Walker Bush's poop-eaten brain. Want to hear the latest. He says that they've "thraxed" every single team that the Patriots have gone up against this season. Do you know why? He was born 6/12/24, thus 12 is his number; thus they say Tom Brady has to win because his number is also 12. What do you doubt about this article? Tell me specifically where you think I am wrong. I am His witness! I am His messenger! Who in hell are you? Nicky Exarchou?
Extra! Posted "Thraxing" the Giants this morning when I learned that the Giants had the flu. I explained how Bush Nazis have tried to use Anthrax and other chemicals to control practically everything along with Justice, Education, Health Care, and Law Enforcement. All FT posts were blocked. and are the only places that I could make it stick. As I learned when I tried for an NCAA championship in 1974, sports are not worth anything with Bush Nazis in the works. It was the 1974 finals of the NCAAs 100 yard butterfly, Long Beach, California. After they said, "Take your mark!", the starter revealed that the race was going to be started with a buzzer instead of a gun. I never heard a word of it, and they knew that. The buzzer made me jump backward on the block, I swam a red-faced race and immediately hopped out of the pool to be surrounded by those who had planned it. I couldn't say a word. They would have never let me graduate from Cornell if I had admitted to having a hearing problem at all. To hell with the Super Bowl.
Dear Spacemanstilllives; You don't know diddleysquat! The toxicity of the spores alone is what kills. They do not reproduce within the body at all. What do you think is in the Anthrax vaccine? How about the flu shot? With cutaneous Anthrax it becomes a wound that does not heal. If AIDS was cutaneous Anthrax to begin with, don't you think they are putting it in the medicine now? I suppose that you can prove that carcinoma is a reality too. If you had read the cited reference, you would have known what I have written and gone and proven that it was true. In a reference book I did find Anthrax information that has surfaced since I first wrote my Anthrax: An Ancient Scourge article. It says that a millionth of a gram of Anthrax spores constitutes a lethal inhalation dose. A kilogram has the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a metropolitan area." It is all a matter of dosage. Those spores are the most toxic things there are. What kind of dosage do you think that it takes to make you feel like you are coming down with the flu? Probably less than one trillionth of a gram. (Note the number of McGraw-Hill reference books that talk about bacteria in microns; i.e. micrometers which are visible to the unaided eye. The only thing that I could find that sounded like it was on scale was info that enabled me to calculate that there is a billion trillion trillion bacteria in a cubic centimeter.)
Dear Lordknows; Oh! You know, do you? There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. Nothing concealed that will not be brought into the light. (Matt. 10:26) You know that you are better off getting rid of these Bush Nazis than watching or playing football. Since you know so many of them, your hand should be first against them. (Deut. 13:6-9) Go to it.
Hum! Humph! Hitler Was a Patriot Too!? No can do! Win or lose, a name change might be in order. Remember the affectionate title that they had for Karl Rove? "Turd Blossom" You could name them the New England Turd Blossoms after the Bush Nazis of Kennebunkport. Surely God will be pleased! "Wait a minute! He's no Turd Blossom! He's a Turd Dropping, and that's a compliment!"
From Patriot Forum by bradysmydog:
To Critics on Did you not understand? Be silent in the Lord's presence. Israel Deaf Mesenger THE LORD'S! Is. 44:5! So you thought it funny to mock me for your friends and destroy my credentials, heh? Woe to you O destroyer! When you stop destroying, you will be destroyed! Woe to you O betrayer! When you stop betraying, you will be betrayed! Is. 33:1 There! That's your destiny! Every poophead, gay, or Jew that God has condemned is your target; i.e. your friends, I presume. Go to it. When you stop betraying, they will betray you.
2/4/08 From memory of a stolen comment on Arizona Forum Topix 2/3: (Commentor said that nothing has ever been proven about the criminal activities of the Bush Nazis.) As I wrote in 2001, No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It!, another suppressed article of mine. That means that they are going to get rid of you and your body and anyone who comes looking for you if you try to prove that they are criminals. Don't forget the pathetic body retrieval efforts at the WTC. That is why God says that the look on their faces will betray them. (Is. 3:9) They have set things up so that you will be killed if you try to prove any of their criminal activities. You have to rely on that look alone. They have set a trap for their own lives. (Prov. 28:10) "No body? Quick! Get the woodchipper!" The woodchipper, Bush Daddy's own creative body disposal instrument.
Word From the Cuckoo's Nest: 2/5 Phoenix FT: From Mr. Martini 2/2: Flying Nun wrote: "Maybe your doctor should change your meds. LOL! " I'm from NY and I think there's a psychiatric ward just outside of Binghamton. I didn't know they were allow access to computers.
To Mr. Martini; That's Binghamton Psych Center (now called a health center); i.e. a Cuckoo's Nest. There were fortresses like that built all over this country to promote a profession addressing the mental problems that arosed when they administered cocaine, opium, and methamphetamines to clients; i.e. Psychiatry, a bogus profession full of emptyheaded reasoning. Nazi death doctor Nicky Exarchou, the "pride" of Bush Daddy, works at BPC and he's never been to school in his life! How is that possible? There are no licensed doctors in the Bush Nazi strongholds of these fortresses, for they just get rid of anyone who questions their legitimacy; thus God has promised woe to these complacent ones who feel secure, posing as good Samaritans, and He detests their fortresses. (Amos 6:1,8)
2/2/08 Microsoft vs. Google vs. Yahoo? I was quite certain that Microsoft already controlled Google. I abandoned Google as a search engine when five or six Microsoft warning windows would keep appearing to try to slow me down on the computer whenever I was on line. I have even had to try working with 32 windows open in order to try to get through. Who do you think is protecting these hackers who made the WTC disaster happen?
2/6/08 Summary: South American IMCs: Attencion! A America del Sur; Que pasa? Es stupido? No comprende nada? It is a farce to protest FARC! You are singling out those who oppose FARC. Can't start a war between W and Bush Daddy? Then start one between Chairman Gonzalo, i.e. Abimael Guzman and Hitler even if Hitler is not home. If they are too stupid to know Hitler lived till @ 2001 in Argentina, they'll never know he is dead! Note the storms around Cordoba probably indicate that is where Hitler resided, and remember, "His power is in the sky!" (Ps. 68:34) I am His witness. I am His messenger.
PS Hopefully you know enough to go watch John Lennon's How I Won the War for bright ideas. When you gather an army for this War, tell them to bring their vehicles and total self-worth. War can be expensive. Whether they are W's or Bush Daddy's, leave the fallen ones right there, they may be more of His Holy Ones to be revived on the second day and restored on the third day to live before Him. (Jer. 7:33, 9:22; Hosea 6:2; 2 Peter 3:8) Try to get excerpts of Reefer Madness to run immediately after the Legault commercial too, so that people can compare the stupidity of today with the stupidity of yesterday. 1/19 Extra! A bright idea from Bush Daddy himself: Get the poopheads to summon the Fire Department from the East (Is. 41:2), and the FD should say that they were marking the exits with their flourescent orange paint when the poopheads got in the way and had their heads painted. Then say the Kennedys did it. This is a good way to pay the Bush Nazis back for making NYC their poophole and sacrificing that many firemen to start a war to make W a Gad damn war hero. No?
Before I was born, He called me; thus the Bush Nazis have been after me since I was in the womb. (Is. 49:1) I am the "servant of rulers", and these rulers do not want one of those who God has condemned here when they return. (Is. 49:7; Rev. 20:4-6) Take this and send it to the ends of the earth! (Is. 49:6)
GHW Bush, A King or Some Other Gad-Damned Thing!
Saturday February 09, 2008 13:47 The Lord's
Proud John Dryden's Great King
When I met GHW Bush at the Crooked Board in Hooterville (Slaterville) in 1998, he told me that he was going to be a king or some other Gad damn thing. Dang! If Dryden's McDonald's didn't go and crown him King of Dryden!
There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. Nothing concealed that will not be brought into the light. (Matt. 10:26) Since 6/3/95 for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I have been the unwilling witness to everything that crosses George Herbert Walker Bush's poop-eaten brain. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces for seventy years. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen. 19:24 Lev. 18:21; Ez. 20:26; Is. 13:16); i.e. the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Sh*ttim.(Numbers 25:1-4) It fries their brains! "The curse of an evil deed is that it will always continue to engender evil" Schiller For 70 years GHW Bush has been the uncrowned King of Babylon (Is. 14:4; Jer. 25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid, they called him) to W, GHW Bush has been in control.
GHW Bush and his Bush Nazis have a "covenant with death" regarding this "power food" which they feel makes them invulnerable and chemicals which they throw at people from aircraft and on the ground; thus they will keep that stuff up.(Is. 28:15) The effects of these chemicals was proven by Hitler in the concentration camps; but knowledge of the effects has been suppressed so that the Bush Nazis may prey on people. Since my friend, Bill, is the true Jacob, through whom God is ruling to the ends of the earth (Ps. 59:13), GHW Bush is the lawless Jacob (Mic. 1:5), posing as Bel, the god of heaven and earth; i.e. the Dragon, which is also the Serpent, originating from the snake worship of Egypt. Bush Daddy has been posing as Bel himself, flying around in the Eagle stealth helicoptor, throwing chemicals, badgering his "military"; i.e. the media into supporting outright lies; starting wars to justify leadership etc. (Is. 14:13-15;46:1)
GHW Bush is the Son of Perdition, and a few of his innumerable victims are his daughter, who told him that he was stupid, his mother, and Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc who also told him that he was stupid. (2 Thess. 2:3) By the word of their testimony, Sarah and Jennifer have created Israel. When Sarah and Jennifer obeyed His servant's words by upholding this law He set in Israel, they became God's people, resulting in the formation of Israel, for wherever two come together in His name, He is there with them (Is.50:10; Lev. 20:13; Rom. 1:32; Ps. 78:5; Matt. 18:20). On 1/9/07 Dryden, New York became Dryden, Israel; thus GHW Bush, Dryden's King became King of Sarah's and Jennifer's Israel. Sarah and Jennifer and all the other true Israelites that have been killed are waiting "under God's altar", and they ask; "If we had a king, what could he do for us?" (Rev. 6:9; Hosea 10:3) Gad is a tribe that damns these Bush Nazis for saying, "No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It!" That means that the Bush Nazis are going to get rid of you and your body and anyone who comes looking for you if you try to prove that they are criminals. That is why God says that the look on their faces will betray them. (Is. 3:9) They do not feel emotions at all. They only know how to fake emotions. They have set things up so that you will be killed if you try to prove any of their criminal activities. You have to rely on that look alone.(Deut. 13:6-9) "I will catch the Bush Nazi! How about you?" Just mention their "power food" or their chemicals. Then go sit with your gun, and they will come. "Sounds like you need to eat some more "power food"!" Blame anything that happens on W or GHW Bush and leave the fallen ones right there, "like dung upon the open field", for they may be more of His Holy Ones to be revived on the second day and restored on the third day to live before Him. (Jer. 7:33, 9:22; Hosea 6:2; 2 Peter 3:8) "Those who complain will accept instruction." (Is. 29:24) "Try suicide! I bet your I.Q. goes up!" These kind caring Bush Nazis have been making war on the Lamb!(2 Cor. 11:14), so you sound the Horn and create a famine for word of a war between W and GHW Bush. They shall run to and fro seeking the word of the war, but they shall not find it.(Amos 8:11-12) The Horn, take an empty one gallon plastic water container, cut the bottom out, cut the cap, insert a one foot piece of hose, and wrap it tightly with duct tape. Freeze it before use. (Num. 10:9 Amos 5:3)
Gad is also going to come to Dryden with the heads of the true Israelites. (Deut. 33:21; Gen. 49:19) As for their King, the fallen Israelites say, "In the morning, the King will be silenced." (Hosea 10:15) The Bush Nazis won't even know he is dead! They will say, "Look! He's brushing me off again!" As the Great Dead King of Israel, GWH Bush will lead an expedition of these true Israelites, accompanied by a remnant of the Bush Nazis, that will claim Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land and build a House for Israel, a Holy People so that they may await the coming of their Lord. By then GHW Bush, the King of Dryden who became the King of Israel will be KING OF ALL THE EARTH and set up shop in Bethel. God says do not go to Bethel! (Amos 5:5) See Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion for a better understanding of the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiot (NAZI) plan of the Bush Nazis and their KING OF ALL THE EARTH. "Isn't that the most Gad-damned thing?!!!!" And Dryden will say, "He's the best Gad-damn Dead King we've ever had!" ("Our last living poophead wannabe!"-INSERTED IN TEXT BY BUSH NAZIS. QUE PASA?)
Extra! 2/11/08 If you didn't believe GHW Bush was out to get W when he said dismember him alive or put him through the woodchipper, he now says that when they destroy Babylon on the Potomac, they will act like the incompetent stumblebums of DC and destroy every other building, saving the White House for last; thus the Sovereign Lord says, "I will sweep it with the broom of destruction!" (Is. 14:23) "O God! Pride of Man, fallen in the dust again!" With the "broom" at the door, these dumkopfs still say, "Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!" (Is. 5:19-20) Their Coprophagic Intelligence will never die! Memories of it will live forever! "You don't know how lucky you are, boy!" 2/14 Here's the latest from GHW Bush. Shout a warning unto the nation over this. He says that the USSR 666 is going to do naval exercises off the Eastern Seaboard. Accounts of the stupidity and/or the criminality of the Bush Nazis are going to be broadcasted, and they will say that it is coming from the USSR. If W and company act smart or tough, the demolition of DC, Babylon on the Potomac is going to commence. Can you stop these morons from falling for that? This arises because so many Bush Nazis have claimed that they are America since I wrote America Starts Here in 1998. They knew what they had to do to created America, and it did not involve putting the creators, Sarah and Jennifer through a woodchipper; thus the USSR is where it's at, and you all should know what the USSR stands for.
PS 2/12/08 Last night I detected aviation fuel in the air and GHW Bush revealed that is what they have been dumping here for the past two months. Like the ethylene that I mentioned in my Militant Bush Nazis.. article, this fuel produces a cough that you won't forget, pulmonary fibrosis, and more. Since aircraft are emptying their fuel tanks to make this happen, it shouldn't be hard to calculate who has been doing this, for the dumped fuel should show up in flight records; i.e. probably billions of gallons per year! A safety measure? No way! They probably got rid of the airlines that wouldn't do it. The red color of the faces of those with rosacea is also an indicator that petroleum products are in the air. Very rarely can you detect it by smell. See Coal-gas; Another Fiasco in the Making? 2007 and remember when they say that this gas decomposes in the air, remind them that those hydrocarbons are what rocks are made out of, and that they do not decompose in the air. Still very little written on the toxicity of petroleum, NAPHTHA, it's components, etc. 2/17 GHW Bush says to disable every aircraft dumping this gas. (Prov. 12:13) On the 9/11 front, let them prove that alleged mastermind, Khalid Mohammed is still alive before they execute him. As I have written, when I mentioned seeing Khalid up at Cornell, he said, "Cornell? Sure! I was up there. They helped me." and that was supposedly the end of him. Bush Daddy Innocence 3/12/03: This is from one of more than 200 articles from 2001-3 that have been suppressed by the Bush Nazis: "Although I am quite sure that Khalid Mohammed, an apparent opium addict, was up at Cornell 2001, I doubt if he was the mastermind of all the misfits up there." 2/18 NY Daily News had an account of Senators Graham and Levin witnessing K. Mohammed's confession, saying that he looked "well-fed and clean-shaven". They should have been able to recognize him as the poophead he is at a 100 yards. Que pasa?
From latest Florida FT posts: To Fla. Citrus: Vitamin C aside, California oranges will keep for 10 years! Mrs. Carter of Raum St. DC used to give me California oranges that old! On the other hand, Texas oranges can break car windows! I bet they keep 20 years!
Bush BAAL Worship - A Forum Topix post 6/21
As you should know from my Bush Daddy Religion article, the BAALs are Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces for seventy years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen. 19:24 Lev. 18:21; Ez. 20:26; Is. 13:16); i.e. the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Sh*ttim.(Numbers 25:1-4) It fries their brains! GHW Bush fried W's brain @ 55 years ago
It's all too much, ain't it? You have to listen to these Bush Nazis who worship bowel movements, don't you? Well it is a fatal mistake! The Mystery of God is described below. The mystery is how God is going to get rid of every damn one of you with not a trace left behind. By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. Keep in mind that 6/12 was GHW Bush's birthday and that OJ Simpson had the strangest way of celebrating it! These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror all the time are Al Qaeda themselves, posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil.(2 Cor. 11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be "senseless and without knowledge"?(Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis tell people to just babble senselessly if anyone tries to talk sense to them. "Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth".(Jer. 9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.(Prov. 14:12) It works, doesn't it? When you babble like a moron, people just shake their head and walk away, saying, "I can't argue with such stupidity!" Now these Bush Nazis who set you up to babble like a moron are going to point the finger and say, "These are the sh*theads you want! Listen to them! They talk like idiots!" Isn't God's work strange?(Is. 28:21; 29:14; Jer. 8:9; Hab. 1:5) "...a little while and the wicked will be no more" (Ps. 37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support seemingly trivial things? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life.(Prov. 5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10) Someday they are probably going to tell you to stay home, and that will be the day that they come and get rid of you, claiming that you were one of them for having supported them. These fools keep saying, "Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!", and they are never going to see it.(Is. 5:19) The fool just disappears. To where? Maybe Strawberry Fields. "Nothing is real! Nothing to get hung about!" (Jer. 9:22) And you probably wonder why the Bush Nazis keep saying; "Nothing's going to happen! No body is going to do nothing about it!" Stupidity prevails in flooded areas where people have not done their reading nor have the sense to "sound the horn" when they go to war against the oppressor.(Num. 10:9)
For the latest see Hidden Things You Do Not Know! 5/29 Bobby Meade or OJ-"Bush Nazis Made Me Do It!". Search title + my name. That's the fastest way. Don't use bogus Yahoo windows!
Bro Bubba Bob