In answer to replies to Denise Taylor
denise taylor | 17.06.2008 15:37
nd me- they aren't that sophisticated. I do know they have got all my bank details
and my mobile phone details .I could say more about this but at the moment I won't go into it, I need some help and I don't want people to think I am crazy.When I lived next door to the ringleader my house was bugged. At that time I think they were using a parabolic microphone-this can transmit sound as well as pick up sound. Iused to hear all sorts of strange noises, a cat miaowing-I didn't have a cat, an alarm bell, not mine , a baby crying , lots of things. But this was inside my house.I know I am not being targeted randomly I have been singled out because I am a woman, I was living on my own, and no-one heloed me at the start.Also I upset this man.I have no evidence except my own experiences to show that someone is using electronic weapons against me.I will describe briefly what I have experienced.It started when I lived next door to the instigator, I would wake with a jolt, I saw a light inside my head , my legs and arm would jerk involuntarily. I would wake with a gasp like the breath had been knocked out of me, .my heart beating fast like it was going to jump out of my body. There would be an electrical charge in the room. I have had hallucinations. I .could go on and on. Most of this is still happening. I have no health problems that would make this happen. Please reply
denise taylor