Brazil, Traffic of Wild Animals, Amazônia, Bahia
Silva Santos | 01.06.2008 18:04 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Globalisation
The Traffic of Wild Animals is the biggest source of income of Brazil, the financial greater of campaigns politics of presidents and governors.
The money sent for other countries to fight these crimes only serves to enrich ambient owners of Ongs.
Commercialized wild animals in free fair of the Bahia, Brazil
Vendidos Wild birds in free fair of the Bahia, Brazil.
Brazil, june of 2008
The number of wild animals, mainly birds trafficked annually in Brazil is incalculable. The bushes and forests of the Brazil are almost empty. The destruction of habitats natural is main the responsible ones for the extinguishing of the species in the Brazil.
The Brazil is the country that more traffics wild animals in the world. Beyond supplying the domestic commerce, the Brazil also exports wild birds and animals to countries of the Europe and Joined Estados. The practical one of traffic of wild animals of Brazil is free since in all the free fairs, mainly of the northeast Bahia and, if find wild being vendidos and trafficked birds and animals.
The Ibama - Brazilian Institute of Environment created to fight these crimes is who commands the traffic of birds and wild animals in the country. In all the states of the Brazil, when apprehending a bird or wild animal in captivity or being able of the traffic, the Ibama leads for its Cetas, where these animals will be themselves of low commercial value are left in the cold, in rain, without water nor food to die. But they will be birds and animal expensive, these are vendidos for commercial creators of other states and until other countries. These denunciations had been proven by the Public prosecution service of the state of the Bahia through visitation to the Cetas and of documents apprehended in the proper agency. In one of these documents sofrê and of these 294 affirms Federal Policia of the Brazil to have delivers to the Ibama 298 birds to die in one alone day. In 2006 a captivity of wild birds with 2000 a thousand birds more than accumulated ones on the others, sick wounded was found, younglings, in a shed of property of Josebel Silveira Silva, a salesman of lots. These birds had been vendidos the Josebel for the Ibama that still possuía authorization of the proper agency to keep the birds there. Josebel said for Policia “the sick people and wounded the Ibama orders I to leave to die therefore I leaves without water nor food. Already good I seeing. The proper Ibama backwards here” (fact denounced for the Public prosecution service of the Bahia and notified in all the Press). The money collected for the Ibama with venda of wild animals illegally is destined by the agency to finance campaigns presidential politics and of governors. The sent money of other countries to fight deforestations and traffic of wild animals goes for the account of ambient owners of Ongs and serves only for enriches them. The Denner owner of the RENCTAS the little time walked the foot. Today it walks of imported car. The government, the Ongs, the politicians, profits and if they benefit with the traffic of wild animals and the deforestation (natural destruction of its habitats).
The biggest source of income of the Bahia is the traffic of wild birds. The biggest fairs of these animals are in the Bahia, mainly in Salvador, the capital. In all the cities of the Bahia we find wild birds being commercialized in the free fairs. The proper governor of the Bahia is creative of birds and freqüentador of the Seven Doors, one of the places of bigger traffic of wild animals of the Bahia, where purchase food for its birds, from there the Bahia not to fight the traffic of wild animals.
President Lula in ticket for Pará, went down of palanque where she was, she caught a wood and she killed a snake that passed, in front of the television chambers, without if to worry in knowing if it was in extinguishing or was finishes it of that species.
The Minister Marina Hisses had total knowledge of practical of traffic of wild animals and the genocide for the Ibama of the Brazil, compactuou and participated of it, therefore she nominated one of its responsible greaters Célio Costa Pinto superintendent of the Ibama in the Bahia. It also received denounces of the Public prosecution service against the Ibama and she never took none provides to hinder such practical. To offer to the Silva Marina Nobel of Environment is one confronts, an offence to the Environment of the Brazil, Fauna and Flora. The head of cabinet of Marina, as well as its assessors is former-presidents of the Ibama, who had participated actively of the traffic of birds of wild animals.
No birds or animal silvetre apprehended in the Brazil is returned to the Nature. In diverse brazileiros states the Ibama is killing the micos in its Cetas therefore according to it “does not have where to place” (in other words nobody wants to buy).
President Lula does not have no commitment with the Environment of the Brazil. Squid never committed suicide in such a way ambientalista in the Brazil how much in the Government. Squid never deforested itself in such a way in the Brazil how much in the government. If as much bird never trafficked and wild animal in the Brazil how much in the government Brazilian ambientalis Squid the ONGs serves only to enrich its owners. All the ONGs ambient Brazilians receive money from the Government of the state and public companies and particular polluting, to be cados. It wants to enrich in the Brazil? It creates an ambient ONG. The RENCTA - National net of Combat to the Traffic of Wild Animals lives of the traffic. Without the traffic it does not have RENCTAS. They need that the traffic continues so that they can film and to vender the images for it are of the country and to receive money to fight this traffic. In 2006 the owner of the RENCTAS, Denner had one fight with the bahian ambientalista Telma Lobão therefore did not want that the ambientalista made one blitz to fight the traffic of wild birds in Fair of Santana. “If you finish with the traffic in the fairs what we go to film to produce videos” he affirmed Denner to the ambientalista. One another bahian Ong called Group Opossum also was denounced together with the Ibama to practise traffic of wild animals.
List of the activist ambientalistas assassinated in Brazil in the Government Squid:
1. Dionísio Julio (Dr. Júlio) - Rio De Janeiro, with 1 shot of gun in the head. It fought hunters and dealers of palmito and animals and had denounced 2 inspectors of the Ibama.
2. Antonio Conceição Reis (Native) - 2007/Bahia, with forty shots. It defended the Lagoon of the Abaeté, Fauna, Flora and Natural resources.
3. Baptist - Rondônia, with some shots. It fought the wooden traffic in the region.
4. Destined to the anonymous ambientalistas that had been assassinated.
5. Eduardo Marcelino and Simone - Minas Gerais, run over for a pickup truck that passed to the one against hand to kill them and the driver still went down to confirm the deaths. They had created the Biological Station of Caratinga and hindered ambient crimes of it inside.
6. Dorothy Stang - Pará, with some shots. It fought land illegal occupancy of landed property and deforestations.
7. Alvaro Marques - Rio De Janeiro, with some shots. It denounced illegal occupation in manguezal.
8. Fernando Univerde - Rio De Janeiro, the pedradas ones. It denounced illegal land division in preservation area.
9. Its Edu - Maricá, spanked until the death. It denounced illegal sand extration .
10. Three Frenchmen - Rio De Janeiro, with some machete blows (2 men and a woman) of the Ong Active Land.
11. Mário Pádia de Oliveira - São Paulo, with some shots. It fought against installation of I fill with earth sanitary in preservation area.
The Bahia is the state that more commits crimes against our Fauna in the Brazil. The biggest victims are the wild birds. These crimes are of capture, hunted, capture, maltreatment, illegal commerce and traffic. This must it the fact of the ambient crime in the Bahia be unpunished and not to be considered crime, although the effective ambient legislation in the country. The city that more commits crimes against our Fauna is Cross of the Souls. Here to denounce or to fight the ambient crime of the chain and process. The Law Fed. 5.197 - Law of Protection to the Fauna and Law Fed. 9.605 forbid the capture, the capture, maltreatment, the hunted ones, the commerce and specimen the traffic of the Brazilian wild Fauna. The Public prosecution service of the state, (with rarissimas exceptions) tries the cost all to hinder the work of the ambientalista Telma Lobão in the combat to these crimes. The Secretariat of state Environment is the only one in the country that nothing makes in defense of the Fauna of the state. The COPPA - Company of Polices Ambient of Military Policia of the state is commanded by Major Claudecyr, the shooter of the Espírita Center in the maritime edge of Salvador. As it likes to shoot Claudecyr was ordered for the COPPA because there it has animal to the will… Everything that the criminals desire to make with the birds wild birds and animals in the birds in the Bahia they makes, therefore repression to these crimes does not have punishment nor. The bahian bushes are empty… and the Cetas - Center of Selection of the overloaded Ibama of wild birds. The Ibama Bahia works inside of the “ILLEGALITY”. The ambientalista Telma Lobão possesss in Federal Justice and the Federal Policy Inquiries and Processes against the Ibama/Bahia for shunting lines of wild birds and the same working in the illegality.
Capture and capture of wild birds. Attracted by the order of aid of the other or in search of food for having had natural its habitats destroyed, the birds fall in the traps or alçapões. The cruelty of the criminals is so great that they inside glue the food of the trap so that the birds are obliged to enter and to be imprisoned. illegal and for the traffic. It is possible to find in the Bahia houses with 50 and up to 100 birds imprisoned.
After captured the birds they are covered with black cloth per weeks the wire, as of the photo above, with intention to tame them. Later they are vendidos by prices that reach up to 3 a thousand Reals, as tame birds of much time of river steamer. The birds live in society, never if moving away from it.
The wild birds and animals do not act for instinct but they possess proper intelligence they think, they dream, they remember and they feel pain igualzinho to the human being. To the removed being of its natural habitat a life of suffering and similar pain to the calvário of CHRIST starts. The Law Fed. 9605 order that all the apprehended birds and wild animals first are returned to the natural habitat. No Brazilian law compels them to be examined for doctors or biologists before being untied, or it compels them to go for selection centers, or to be “readjusted”. That is a formula found for the Ibama and some ONGS to commercialize or to deviate these birds, as declaration of the proper not untied Ibama /Bahia of that wild birds. The allegations of that the wild birds “could contaminate others” are baseless: our bushes are empty, do not have what to contaminate. This means that everything does not pass of a humbug for does not return them the Nature to it and commercializes them. E in the Nature is the cure for all the types of illness and the wild birds and animals better know of this of what the man. All the wild birds can and must be returned to the bushes, therefore all the birds independent of the type of feeding eat insects. When being freed the wild birds they make a recognition of the area, remaining in it for 2 the 3 days, going then in search of the habitat that considers ideal and others of its species. Finding them they they are not nestled in the seio of another flock where its possibilities of survival increase in 100%. The birds live in harmony with the excessively animal ones. The capacity to search food and to detect the danger the birds bring inside of itself, exactly that they have not been born free in the Nature.
Innocents died for criminal hunters who kill for the simple pleasure to kill. Used armament, also apitos to attract the birds. The criminals adentram in the bushes and the birds emit the danger signal . All the wild birds and animals run away or if they hide. However the criminal also hides itself. E waits the pásaros and animals if to approach, being immovable in the place for hours the wire. The criminals also use badogues or sling. When they do not obtain to kill, they cripple or they mutilate, leaving in the bushes a pain and suffering track. The hunters shoot in whom they find: nests animal younglings, birds and even in the proprietors who try to banish them. Several are the stories of proprietors who had taken shots or had its animals whitened for trying to banish hunters from its properties. Photos taken off in Cross of the Souls/Bahia.
Capture and Traffic. The criminals condition the captured there birds or bought in river steamers and he takes them for the fairs or other states, remaining these innocents per days or months the wire, until being bought or to arrive its state of destination. The food and the water are ruined, do not have where to put and the birds they finish breaking the legs or the legs and are shot against the ground or wall for the dealers or, if are apprehended by the Ibama or another agency is taken for the Center of Selection of the Ibama of where they are vendidos for commercial creators, as the ones who had been found with Josebel Silveira, in the Canarian Silveira in 2006, Salvador. The birds also can be conditioned in compartments with deep and lateral false I contend Australian periquitos or exotic birds, after being doped with diazepan or gardenal. Another way to carry birds for the dealers after dopar them is to wrap up them as canutilhos or to condition them in egg packing. The Bahia is champion of traffic of wild birds for other states of the country as the River, São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso, and for other countries. From the Mato Grosso and Goiás they return to the Bahia as proceeding from registered and born criadouros in captivity, for the hands of criadoures. The Bahia also receives smuggled birds from other countries, where they are captured. The route is constant in the exit of wild birds inside of maletas, blusões and luggage and the entrance of exotic birds. The route still includes the transport of eggs and younglings.
Silva Santos
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