Author to write book with dando 'killer'
Scott Lomax | 28.05.2008 20:38 | Other Press
George, 48, is accused of shooting Dando outside her house in Fulham in April 1999. He will enter a not guilty plea.
Scott Lomax, 25, who is based in Chesterfield, has written books and articles arguing that George is innocent of the crime. He has helped run the campaign that saw George's murder conviction overturned at the Court of Appeal in November 2007. He is now planning on writing a book with Barry George if the accused man is acquitted.
Lomax says: "I welcome the opportunity to have this controversial case once again examined in a court and I hope that the jury reach the correct verdict on the basis of the evidence they hear. I will be in court to support Barry George and I'm already planning to write a book with Barry in the near future. This is something we have discussed over the past few months and I am looking forward to starting the project."
The trial is due to begin at the Old Bailey in London on Tuesday 3 June.
Scott Lomax