Public Demonstration Italian Embassy
Filippo Perabo' | 23.04.2008 17:19 | Culture | Repression | London | World
Dear Sir/Madame,
This release is to let you know that on the 25th April a demonstration will be held in support of a larger public demonstration, which is taking place in Italy on the same day across hundreds of piazzas. Our group endorses and supports Beppe Grillo’s proposals regarding the re-establishment of a rule-of-law and transparency in our Country. On the 8th of September last a demonstration was called for, again by Beppe Grillo, during which 2 million people crowded the Italian piazzas. On that occasion 350,000 signatures were collected to push through Parliament a popular law draft, by which anyone found guilty by Italy's highest court is not allowed to sit in the Parliament (at the moment there are 24).
The demonstration on the 25th April aims to collect signatures backing freedom of the press, which does not exist in Italy at the moment. All we read and see on newspapers and TV hides the news really relevant to the people (i.e. connections between Mafia and politics, corruption, widespread illegality, etc.).
The 25th April is a day of National celebration in Italy, in which we remember our liberation from the German occupation after the Second World War. In a similar fashion we will symbolically celebrate our liberation from an Italian information system that, being enslaved by political parties and economic lobbies, does not perform its most fundamental purpose: to inform people. Italian newspapers, currently, are subsidised with public money granted by the Parliament, which, as a consequence, controls the press (without these subsidies most Italian newspapers would be out of business).
The demonstration will take start at the Italian Embassy at 14.30 and we will be proceeding to Trafalgar Square passing through Leicester Square. Besides our endorsement of the Italian demonstration, we will actively support the protest led by Beppe Grillo by collecting signatures, which call for a referendum for the repeal of three Italian laws (see attached leaflet).
Yours faithfully,
London Beppe Grillo Meetup
Filippo Perabo'