Sumac Skillshare - Spring/Summer Programme
Skillsharer | 19.04.2008 14:09
Printable programme
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Sumac Skill Share Term 3 programme
The Sumac Centre
245 Gladstone Street
Forest Fields
Nottingham NG7 6HX
Skillshare Phone - new number: 07944 889580
To subscribe to our e-list to keep up to date with info about the skillshare as it happens, go to:
For more info see Eastside Climate Action - Skillshare page
Workshops are on Saturdays, mostly afternoons though with a little variation in times this term - please check the programme to avoid disappointment.
Workshops are all run for free by volunteers from our community. Our aim is to build the confidence and skills of people in our community by sharing the skills we already have. It also aims to prepare us for dealing with climate change and peak oil. If you have any skills you could share, or something you would like to learn, get in touch.
Some workshops have limited places (see overleaf) and you need to book in advance. Please telephone or email to do this. Currently sessions are aimed at adults. Children must be accompanied. Donations towards the cost of the materials are sometimes needed to keep the skill share going. It is only ever a suggested amount.
A printable programme is available for download, or printed copies picked up for distribution from the Sumac Centre.
For directions to the Sumac see The Sumac website or Google maps.
If you are interested in getting involved with organising the skillshare (more people needed!) get in touch!
Foraging: 3rd May, 10am-12pm. Limited numbers - please book. Meet by the bandstand in the Arboretum at 10am.
Find out what plants are edible, useful and readily available in a city environment. Involves walking!
Basic Reflexology: 3rd May, 2-5pm. Please call to disclose any medical conditions.
Learn to give a pre-treatment foot massage and gain a basic understanding of the principles of reflexology. Please wash your feet and bring two small towels. Wear comfy clothes.
Home brewing - making beer and wine at home: 10th May, 1-5pm
Learn the basics of making beer and wine using simple equipment. How to make wine from fruit and veg you can grow at home or pick from the wild.
Growing veg in small spaces: 17th May, 2-5pm
Container growing and square foot gardening - with sowing and planting techniques, general advice on suitable veg and plant care.
Woodworking for beginners: 24th May, 2-5pm
Learn basic woodwork and DIY using a range of traditional and modern tools and techniques. Hopefully by the end of the session you'll have the confidence to repair and make your own stuff!
Tool sharpening: 31st May, 2-5pm. Limited numbers - please book.
Want to know how to sharpen your garden and woodwork tools properly? Blunt tools make life harder and can be dangerous. Come along with your tools and sharpening stones (if you have them) and let's get sharp!
Bike to basics - simple regular bike maintenance skills: 7th June, 10am-5pm
Begins with a 2hr ride from Wollaton Park (meet 10am in the car park by the swings) then lunch at the Sumac. The afternoon (1-5pm) involves bike maintenance with publications and info from cycling groups.
Direct action practical skills: 14th June, 2-5pm
Learn and practise non-violent direct action skills - from building and using lock-ons and tripods to dealing with the police.
Introduction to alternative technology: 21st June, 2-5pm
An introduction to solar electricity, solar hot water and wind turbines focusing on home-built and off-grid systems. Covers basic theory and some practical work.
Hula hoop making: 28th June, 2-5pm. Limited numbers - please book.
Learn how to make your own hula hoop (a decent, adult-sized one like nothing you can buy). We can then go to the Forest for a spin to learn some tips and tricks to impress friends! Suggested donation of £5 for materials - but you will get to take your hoop home.
Mosaic making day: 5th July, 10am-5pm
Make a large mosaic together using reclaimed materials. Either come for the whole day to learn from scratch or drop in and help out for as long as you like. The mosaic will be a sign for the Sumac!
Basic bread making: 12th July 2-5pm. Limited numbers - please book.
An introduction to basic bread making. How to mix, rise, kneed, prove and bake your way to a delicious home-made loaf!