The Gata conference in Wash DC and John Pilger
gregory press | 19.04.2008 09:35 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
This e is being sent to Bill Murphy, the proprietor and maitre’d of, John Pilger’s A-Z of fantastic links, and you.
C’mon! Address this for further wider broader circulation.
And please use this Washington event to spread the word about Us: Peta, Zane and Greg, too.
T.R.U.T.H. The Real Us Talk, Here
Our golden opportunity, yours too. We’re takin’ it! Wha‘bou‘ you!
Yesterday the Gold Anti Trust Action committee (gata) began its third Conference. They held the first one in about 2001, another in 2005. The organizers and participants are salt of the earth types who rebelled and deserted the mainstream Global financial network (army) over the past twenty years because: they discovered they couldn’t in good conscience go on earning by pretending.
They still want to spend reasonably and live well so… they make a living selling and trading gold, or information about it. For many years their activity did not rank as “speaking the truth to power” the way John Pilger’s does. But these men and women are also diehards. They did not give up and they are ready to emerge in a way that validates John Pilger’s worldview and even generates the revenue (!) to reverse the “tide” of globalization.
Their sales pitch is: the price of gold is suppressed by an invisible Cartel who use paper trades in the futures markets to hammer POG (the Price Of Gold) so that greed can continue printing money (fiat currencies) to fund more cruelty and take it as a joke our whirled is spinning out of control. While they spend, mindlessly.
Now listen to us, and please listen well. We know you are not a mindless person or John Pilger would not have included you in his list of links. Please cognate at once that you are receiving this information for the first time in your life! This is not something you already know, or have heard before. If you think it is, then it must be that the context has shifted so radically you need to apply your mind to this again; in order to register: what we are truly saying is something you want to know. It is new. Yet you will know it’s true.
When I read in a local paper John Pilger was giving a talk in Durban at a Writer’s Conference a few weeks ago I suddenly put it together how the alternative media grid Noam Chomsky, John Pilger – and you – have put in place: can finally reverse the flow, or spin, of language on our Planet back in the direction of truth again, by teaming up with GATA and Bill Murphy to speak the truth to profits, as well as power. This “match” made in Heaven could light a fire that does not go out.
John Pilger is a prophet.
Since his talk was already sold out, I surfed the Net instead to reassure myself this name who has kept popping up is the real deal, and: there is no doubt about it!
Like all authentic prophets John Pilger has been way ahead of his time. But he is so damn good at what he does! This conference means the rest of the world has caught up with him. Now. Today. Not next week or next month.
Enough kids who were not born yet twenty years ago: are populating Pilger’s planet now. The numbers needed to overthrow the present world order exist. Be nice and give them some of the leadership – you wish you got.
The agenda for the Washington Conference includes a talk by James Turk, founder of GoldMoney on the topic: Gold vs Government. This guy is a real insurrectionist. On the mark. He does not miss.
The fact of this man giving this talk to this audience at this conference that was advertised in the Wall Street Journal with an expensive full page ad a month ago… is a signal that gold just won its fight against government. Just as surely as “something” crashed into the World Trade Towers on 9/11: this isn’t theory; it is fact.
It’s like: Bill Murphy is Paul Revere, and by organizing this conference he lit a lamp in the window. This is Concord and the shot heard round the world, again! It’s like Chris Powell just organized the Boston Tea party, or, if you really want to get technical about it, the original one: in Newburyport!
Now hear’s where we come in. Remember that saying: “don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” We’re telling you to fire.
Take the information we are giving you and – this time – don’t just pass it on to like-minded friends in the alternative media. Analyze it; apply it in your own way to your area or field, then… Turn it around and direct it at the opposition, CNN, the BBC, WSJ, USA Today, NYT, those guys. Tell them… their ship is sinking so fast it’s already as good as sunk. We know it. Tell them we’re glad. They know it too. Tell them: we don’t need them any longer, and we don’t have to wait - any longer - to take over from them and do things our way from now on.
Their delaying tactics were very smart! True. (Ultimately) they didn’t work. If they had: GATA goes to Washington would not be happening.
Last time we checked: the conference is happening, as planned. And we know as well as you do that the panel discussion topics were left open for a reason!
It just so happens that my name is Gregory Press. An anagram of my name is Grey Progress. You are part of the media – the press. Even if you have a “so what” attitude to the fact my actual surname could also be a domain name, in this millennium: listen to what I am telling you. Forget about who’s saying it.
When you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve people say: hey what’s it doing there? Put that thing back in your chest! Damn right. We’re going to. As of now though our heart is our ten-year-old son who is in a foster placement we can’t get him out of. His mother Peta suffered a stroke because of how she has been treated. To me, caring for her is more important than world events! Meanwhile, her recovery is hampered because we still can’t get our son back, or even see him! My brothers and sisters stole my share of a trust fund. Or you would have heard of us already.
We have already begun to reunite as in the film August Rush (you might have seen it.) Meanwhile, we’re trapped in the clutches of vicious and very serious heartlessness!
Forcing “it” to let go, when “it” doesn’t want to, is what we became good at. Thanks, in part, to a channeled little book: Right Use of Will. It’s works for Us! The techniques for using our Wills revealed in this book have been tried by quite a few people since the information in this book was sent to Earth - by God! - in 1984. They work for some people. This is for sure! As the song says: God is great. This is something Moslems, Jews, Christians, and the Beatles: all agree on!
Our personal experience of having what is ours – taken from us – then regaining it: equipped us to emerge now and reveal the Second World (the place our parents generation fought a war, to create) to you, and the rest of the planet. This is G-day.
I guess… misunderstandings about Uncle Alf (Hitler) have gone a long way to create a first world, and a third world, with no place in-between – like Tolkien’s Middle Earth – to bridge the gap in consciousness. Along with his many other heinous mistakes, Hitler should have never fired his finance minister Hjalmar Schacht. The world might then at least have gained a stable currency out of the chaos of WWII, together with a lasting peace. OK it hasn’t really been lasting. We know this thanks to Noam Chomsky and John Pilger. But you know what I mean.
Being pro-gold is today’s positive version of being pro-God, and anti-greed, which is a point of view that never should have been construed as anti-Semitism. Peta and me are Jews who recognize Hitler, either on purpose or by mistake, reunited the scattered Jewish remnants: and founded Israel. We don’t want to admit it, but we do. The Holocaust cannot be left as an eternal open wound. It must be healed, for the sake of all God’s chosen people. In saying this we refer to the God most of us – in Mzansi – know as Nkulunkulu. The one God who spoke to all the people of Africa, sometimes via our ancestors (the Holy Ghost) since long before the mlungus came to visit us. [mlungu = white face.]
The Second World is a place like Europe or the USA in the present day united by a single currency. Instead of just one continent, it’s five of them… plus Australia!
John Pilger: is the thunder from Down Under!
We will probably call this new currency the Once. In this e-mail we sometimes refer to it as GoldMoney. GoldMoney already exists, merely as an internet currency and convenient way to own bullion. The Once is a self-validating concept for a currency which (thanks to the Internet’s ability to store a vast amount of information about a person) equates personal worth with actual worth.
It is being developed mainly for people twenty years and younger (children) to use, as they grow up and grow older, becoming more experienced and accomplished by the day or week instead of by the month or year (parents.) Instead of banks determining the intangibles of who can lend and borrow, and how much: circles of friends, and circles of circles of friends; are already doing it.
In The Future sung about by Leonard Cohen. E.g. in his songs called Anthem, Democracy, and Closing Time. And heralded by Donovan with his songs: Hurdy Gurdy Man, and Atlantis.
The songs of Cream, Blind Faith, and Traffic also record how the low spark of our second world came into being quietly and surely as well as powerfully as in the songs of Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, and The Who.
Instead of wealth creation occurring formally, it will occur informally, with text messaging. Yet over time the patterns that emerge will be the same ones that have been recognized and respected in authentic tribal cultures for millennia. In the second world Marshall McLuhan’s global village, becomes our reality instead of Alvin Toffler’s future shock.
Margaret Mead asked me to help her make this happen when the USA was celebrating its bicentennial. I also met Noam Chomsky briefly in those days, Edward Said, and Gregory Bateson. I finally became an inyanga with enough muti to protect my own family from our enemies. Even after they turned members of our own birth families against us!
All of the components to set up the Second World in the image of the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, North American tribes of Indians, and many other forefathers and Great Mothers, are now in place. One of them is the Internet. In his day mad Uncle Adolph was an out and out dictator, most probably fantasizing subliminally he was a Celtic or Viking chief: the Wolf! But with hindsight it looks like he was just the first person (or one of them) to develop his own version of the Internet. A bit of a mad man, no doubt, when he got online. (He played his video games for real.) But aren’t we all.
Part of John Pilger’s contribution has been to expose the exploitation of the third world. Bill Murphy has exposed the rickety condition of the first world’s financial markets. Put this together and… you get the second world: a place of healing (as in Van Morrison’s song: The Healing Game) where at least the market place is honest. The people are genuine, and life is worth living because: the power struggle and rat race don’t exist in it.
Or think of it this way, the second world will shortly be: a version of google Earth populated by people who obtain credit by signing up to receive it from other people. People who send money to each other, based on what we want to do and, what we need to do it. All of us who start using this new currency know it is backed up by physical gold bullion. The source of this gold bullion is the gold WE KNOW the cartel will have to sell, to back up the fiat currencies (Euro, Dollar, Ruble, Yen…) The population of the second world exists in cyberspace as well as real space. To become a citizen you register and set up a password (instead of a passport) and your coordinates on google Earth: your present physical location. You can change it, but: wherever you move to, all your data moves with you. There are no impostors or criminals in the Second World except people who state openly: “I did this, or I pretended to be this, but anyway; this is who I am, this is what I did, this is what I want to do. Etc.”
The CIA, KGB, and FBI will be disbanded. (Their databases will be put online.) Instead of them spying on us, we will all spy on each other.
If you think this is impractical, keep reading. But could we ask you to just think about one question. Why the fuck is gmail, for instance, bragging about their unlimited storage space??
Why is there google, instead of an African search engine based on the telephone book? In this Age we want the dictionary google already gave us, true, in the image of Boswell’s Johnson. But we also want the phone book Thomas Edison already invented, do we not?
The GATA conference has been set up to catch out the US and other first world governments and their cartel by “exposing” all the stuff that doesn’t add up: “Where’s our gold” and so forth. [The agenda is at

Their predicament is discombobulating because, on the one hand, their own iota of gold ownership (and tiny following) means they’re heavily outnumbered and outgunned by the cartel, which moves tons of the stuff around in paper trades that make POG fluctuate too unpredictably for anyone but the cartel to trade securely… in the short term.
In the long term though Bill Murphy, a former football wide end receiver, has done the Chomsky-Pilger faction a huge favor by spelling out how and why the long-term uptrend in POG is ineluctable. The cartel types who have cornered the short-term gold market with their paper trades (they know when to cover their shorts) are themselves cornered: over the long term. Murphy’s Law says: they will never find enough physical metal to meet the growing demand for more supply.
The fiat currencies of the superpowers are rapidly becoming super weak. Hmmmm. Murphy and Co don’t really know what to say except, a little lamely: buy gold, like us. Then you’ll get rich. We’re not the greedy ones: they are. They are issuing some kind of warning but their dilemma is: the exact same people who in theory should heed their warnings, finance ministers, central bankers, and types like this, are in actual fact the culprits. The best raison d’etre Murphy found for his rants so far has been: as a spokesperson for gold miners everywhere; especially the little guys.
We have the answer. We are setting up a site that will create a direct link between these gold miners and the consumer. A kind of interface between: James Turk’s GoldMoney, GATA, and Bill Murphy’s financial commentary at For now you will have to track our progress by visiting Basically you could say that the era foretold by John Lennon with his song Imagine has begun. You’ve heard the song, haven’t you? So why do we have to spell out the details! Two other songs that are rapidly becoming reality through us are Belinda Carlisle’s “Heaven is a Place on Earth” and Joan Osborne’s “One of Us.” If you have a problem with this: sorry. A lot of people have been waiting for this shift to happen, and now, thanks to Murphy, Pilger, Us, and Co: it has.
Countries and their currencies aren’t necessary anymore. We are replacing them.
The end of the Cold War meant Hollywood’s version of family values won against patriotism. It was not about capitalism and democracy winning against communism. How could it have been? Perestroika and glasnost were Gorbachev’s ideas.
We are not going to the next level with new software instead of with a Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, or United Nations.
This software will make it feasible (easy) for the populations of target countries (in the third world initially: the so-called non-aligned nations) to start switching their savings into Goldmoney and only switch them back into their conventional bank accounts: when the monthly stop orders go off.
Simply put: the time is now right to insert or substitute the happening increase in POG in the place where consumers have been inserting the higher interest rate return on their savings or money market accounts (in place of the lower interest rate they receive on the balances in their checking accounts.) As of today – G-day – the progress of POG is a sufficiently sure thing to bet against everything the corporations and insurance companies can throw at it.
Bill Murphy keeps making the assumption that the increase in demand for gold will only come from extrapolating existing trends. E.g. the growth of the Chinese and Indian economies, and the consequent increase: in their demand for gold. Based on the fact that we the consumer (a population of multi billions) have a calculable (or incalculable) ability to increase the demand for physical bullion though: what this new site will introduce is the equivalent of per second billing on celphones – for banking accounts.
Something like per hour or per minute calculations of interest rates as funds flow out of conventional bank accounts into GoldMoney, then back again: when overdraft levels exceed a specified amount. All the activity in your conventional bank accounts will remain as private and confidential as it is today. But in the second world… all the activity in your Goldmoney (type) account will be public information. How you spend… is who you are. This is the up to date version of glasnost and perestroika.
Bill Murphy keeps making the assumption that you can’t trade against the Cartel in the short term. But he’s wrong. Using the Pilger Journalism techniques these types can be hunted down like war criminals. This manipulation of the financial markets can be stopped.
Try thinking of this – unlimited demand for gold – as… womankind’s ability to have orgasms. It is… substantial. This means the physical bullion in possession of the Cartel can be taken from them in the open market with sensational speed. We don’t have to sit around while they zigzag around with flim-flam paper trades: waiting for them to deplete their hoards.
This would be like waiting for industrialization and pollution to reach such toxic levels that we can’t survive.
Any increase in the ROI for depositors in their new GoldMoney “savings accounts” which is more than triple the present rate of return from the average savings account, will be siphoned off into the counter cartel trading fund in a new place which has always existed - which has been ignored - until someone found, discovered, or invented it.
Like Tolkien found(ed) Middle Earth!
As we already told you: this place is the Second World (the place our parents generation fought a war, to create) now, in peacetime.
How could this new deal be marketed in the RSA? When Peta and me lived without wheels in Joburg from 2000 to 2005, we enjoyed a lot of support from the local population. Now we are giving “something back.” The population in Jozi (and throughout Africa) is divided into those who have cars (nobility) and those who walk and take taxis (commoners) seating roughly 16 passengers (kombis.) The taxi routes, which include local and long distance grids – distribution patterns - are congruent with and approximate the grapevine, obviously, since passengers converse. At the taxi ranks the taxi drivers and/or owners banter. Every six months (or more frequently) fares increase as the price of petrol goes up. If these entrepreneurial taxi owners could readily own oil: they would hedge their spending and profit from these price increases – instead.
The taxi associations are always muttering about how they are going to overthrow the government, every time it saddles them with more regulations, in any case. And they almost do have the muscle to pull it off! Thanks to celphone banking: it will be easy to set it up for these taxi owners to start investing in oil!
When it actually happens that the owners start to pass on their savings (profits) generated by owning increases in the oil price, to passengers: and lower the fares, instead of raising them (every time the price of oil goes up) the entire grapevine will self-educate itself as to how this applies to them with their own incomes vs: gold, and the cost of living.
Once the switchover of mentality from oil to gold (and from money to Goldmoney) occurs in the RSA, at this level: it will spread through the entire country via Afrikaners and Africans teaming up in this “other” way to truly reverse (and end) Apartheid, as well… onto the Cartel!
South Africa and other gold producing countries can then create an overt cartel in gold that joins forces with the new OPEC. I can’t tell you what the new opec will look like yet. But it will be different: non-political, and “engineered” in a way you probably never even dreamed of. Maybe Stanley Kubrick did! (It will include peace with dignity for Israel.)
What happens in the RSA will spread to other countries. Most of the first world population does think the third world population is ignorant and stupid. But we’re not! Just as: men think women are stupid. Women are not! Quentin Tarantino’s most recent film, Death Proof is the equivalent to Charlie’s Angels part 3.
This world is ready to balance.
You have to look in the mirror and decide: if you want this to happen now, or, sometime in the future?
Let’s demilitarize, clean, and tidy up the planet, non-violently, and start living on it in a more satisfying way. This is what Peta is demanding, in any case.
With more strong women pitching in, life will become better for women, children and everyone else: except the cartel and those linked into it. It will be better for them, too.
But it might take a while until they also know it.
If it didn’t come across to you yet that the way this works is that ownership of the worlds gold reserves changes hands and ends up with a new entity instead of remaining with the present day governments, corporations, and the rest of the cartel front: we’re sorry. We fucked up.
This must be why our child was taken away from us and placed in an iron-clad foster placement we just can’t get him out of. We must be such fuck ups if we can’t even care for our own child. If you are a journalist reading this, help us to expose the plight of our son! His predicament is no different to Nelson Mandela’s; when he was imprisoned on Robben Island. Imagine spending the first ten years of your life with strangers, for no reason!
We are the real leaders who have emerged in South Africa to remake the world. Mandela went so far, and changed South Africa. But then the idea that we in Mzansi (South Africa) discovered a way of working our problems out that is superior and more advanced - never spread throughout the Planet.
Instead these Cartel types said: “Well done. Now since sanctions are over we’ll slip into your country and start buying and controlling it with our fiat currencies. Especially your raw materials, we’ll grab those first. Anglo, Billiton, De Beers, and SAB: hey c’mon you guys. List on our stock exchanges!”
SAB (SA Breweries) is a company that once raided another company, Edcon, with such a high degree of treachery the transaction was a crime. If Meyer Kahn the creep who runs it can deny this let him do so.
You, reading this, think you are so clever; laughing at Comrade Robert, and what an idiot he is. Sorry mate, the joke is on you. If you don’t think so: meet Gata in Washington and they will spell it out, that, the country, which has printed a trillion wheelbarrows full of worthless money, is the good ole USA.
What’s happening in Zimbabwe is a REFLECTION in the real world. If the USA changes itself the way John Rambo has suggested, in Sylvester Stallone’s latest film, it will find itself looking at a different reflection. Greg’s rule says: to change your reflection, change yourself.
I am going forward with my matter in the Competition Appeals Court, Case No 71/CAC/May07. Picking up where I left off a year ago (after making some changes to myself!) I am going to argue I have the right to receive a data download of the mail and e-mail addresses of the existing Edcon customers, or at least: all those who have been with the firm since prior to when our family trust sold it's controlling block of stock in 1982
[when Edcon was stealthily and illegitimately raided with the connivance of Sir Donald Gordon, one of the stupidest shits to ever set foot on this Planet. Her Majesty made a little gaffe by knighting this sly and tumid shitpudding. Perhaps this is another reason she was depicted having a royal sob, by Helen Mirren in The Queen. Demoting him to a commoner sounds like quite a good idea – to us! As you have guessed: Meyer Kahn and Donald Gordon are thick as thieves.]
A year ago I was going to argue I have the right to halt Edcon's merger with Bain, and propose a better one. I then made an application to condone filing a late appeal and postpone the the appeal sine die. When the respondents answered this application they were already out of time. I can proceed with this appeal now.
If successful I will send a communication to this database advising them to use the interface site with GoldMoney I am setting up. This preliminary step is necessary before we can set up the deal with taxis and the grapevine you read about.
Any free marketeer who wants to go straight ahead and put a system in place for consumers in the second world to hedge their petrol budgets with oil ownership is more than welcome to it. If you want to negotiate the withdrawal of Nazi type occupying forces from Iraq as part of this arrangement: be our guest!
Our site will make it feasible for South Africans to continually transfer the excess balances of funds in their savings and checking accounts into Goldmoney. Excess will be defined as any sum over an amount specified by the account holder.
To even out short term price fluctuations the User Agreement will specify that over the duration of the contract all Users will participate equally in the general uptrend in the price of gold.
The User Agreement will also have a clause of how increases in the price of gold over a specified amount will be placed into a reserve Goldmoney account. Over time the size of this reserve will increase and it will be used to outtrade and rout the Cartel. It will increase in size by doing this, as well.
To replenish setbacks in this adventure we will increase the demand for bullion by allowing other countries and their banking systems to also go online. There will be… a queue. And just for fun… we will switch the positions of those in it around. Totally without their consent. Because… anyone, anywhere in the world can go online in the second world anytime they want! A special bank will make loans to top up the accounts of citizens in the second world when POG temporarily goes down instead of up. As Bill Murphy has explained or cottoned on: there is no longer any meaningful distinction between banks and insurance companies in the first world, anyway. To fix everything: they just print. This must have been what Nancy Reagan really meant, when she said: just say no. (Deny yourself, then we won't have to deny our self.)
A different feature of the site will permit registered Users to have access to credit via this reserve on a different basis to the way credit is granted by conventional banks. One way of stating what this means is: it will create a new global currency to take the place of the Euro, Dollar and Yen as they slump. This will then avert the disaster that could occur about which: GATA and Pilger – and you – don't really know yet… what you want to say.
I.e. Is this disaster bad or good? Should we welcome it as the downfall of a wicked empire or try to avert it by replacing the current leaders with better ones. Is Bill Murphy like the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the hole in the dike, or is he a new version of Guy Fawkes like in the film «V, for vendetta»? I guess time will tell.
In South Africa the pool of mostly white, mostly Afrikaans young talent who have difficulty gaining employment owing to the discrimination in favor of non-whites, in the labor markets, need no longer go unemployed. As an American Afrikaner I will say: we can once again come to the aid, or rescue, of the African population. As, under Apartheid, we set up an infrastructure here that can take the strain of decolonization: we and Herman Charles Bosman can be proud of.
We'll help out this time by setting up a system to protect the SA economy from being taken down when the rest of the world's economy hyperinflates. Why should the economies of the third world crash just because the US dollar collapses. Is this fair!
GATA has so far failed to realize its support and power base is out here in the third world where we are the huge majority. It is only there, inside the US of A that a natural leader like Bill Murphy is made to feel like he is screaming against thunder. After tomorrow though, George Bush, the world’s leading terrorist, and best friend of Osama Bin Laden, will surely be outfarted.
The Republican and Democratic media only brainwashed the residents of the USA, so far. They did not overwhelm, crush, and intimidate our whole world! Nobody out here believes the crap they broadcast from America!
We pretended to. We didn’t even really do this. Dickless Cheney just convinced himself we did.
Well, he was wrong. About this and 15 million other things. So what. Him and all the others don’t have authority unless we give it to them. Voting and democracy don’t come into this. George Washington, alright: George Washington, the person the city where this is happening was named after, am I right? George Washington never set up democracy in the USA to imprison the people in a trap, or fix. The click is the new vote. Post WW2: the click is the new bullet too.
We have given you some ammunition, have we not?
Use it, your own minds, and your heart.
Yes, there will always be greedy people. It’s no use sticking them in Concentration camps. This has been tried. It doesn’t work. It’s stupid, misguided, and… it’s wrong. We Jews cannot be stereotyped as greedy any longer if we don’t want to be. And we don’t! Greediness is not a racial trait! What we can do though is create a cyberspace where greedy people cannot hide away. People do have the right to be greedy, sort of. Peoples’ children, or parents, still have the right to challenge them, for this. We can change things though so the people who are greedy have to henceforth be greedy openly.
Then those of us who have better things to do than being greedy can get on with them. Anyway, I think this e-mail was too long. What do you think. Was it too long? Are you having a conversation with us!
Peta, since her stroke, can’t really talk. She can still listen though, and she can hit.
We only wish you could be as strong as her, possibly the strongest mother in the world. Fighting ten years for her child and she still won’t give up!
Good day! God Bless! And Good Bye,
Peta, Zane, and Greg
The Real Us Talk, Hear.
gregory press