Side stepping the property ladder in London
11.04.2008 11:35 | 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces | Free Spaces | London
The weekend kicked off on Friday evening with a social meetup and info night with fils and cafe at the rampART social centre and acoustic bands and performances at the NOID gallery.
On saturday, the newly opened social centre opened it's doors with an art-exhibition, films, workshops and discussions. It also hosted a free shop and very popular squatters estate agency. Also during the day there was a demo at a homeless hostel in London.
Saturday evening saw several hundred people partying at the Hackney Social Centre at a benefit gig for the Advisory Service for Squatters with Headjam, Skints, Ras Simeon Judah, 52 Commerical Rd and Pinstickers. Another benefit took place at the Wominspace.
Also see international days of action summary.
Space Is The Place
- side stepping the property ladder
This is a one-off series of events to coincide with the Europe-wide days of action in defence of free spaces and for an anti-capitalist popular culture. The events are based at a new squatted social centre in Shoreditch and other autonomous spaces around LondonThe themes for Space Is the Place is the appropriation of public space by big business through privatisation and speculation, the sell-off of council housing and how the current housing crisis affects the most disadvantaged, gentrification and redevelopment of East London for the Olympics in 2012, the mismanagement of land and its ownership by the wealthy elite...
There will be an open access art-space themed as above, discussions and skill-sharing to bring people together and share ideas on how we can solve the problems we face, info-station for DIY action, films, photography, music and cafe. There will also be a benefit gig to raise money for the Advisory Service for Squatters.
7pm @rampART Social Centre (yes, it's still open)Free Spaces info night and social meet up with cafe, films, talks, stalls
8pm @NOID Gallery
acoustic bands and performance
12noon@Alexandra Hostel, Hackneypublic action organised by London Coallition Against Poverty
Squatters Estate Agency, Art Exhibition, Films, Stalls, Workshops and discussion
Benefit gig for the Advisory Service for Squatters. Bands, stalls, vegan dinner.
10am-7pm@NewShoreditchSquatSquatters Estate Agency, Art Exhibition, Films, Stalls, Workshops and discussion
Sat 11th : Wominspace workshops and drag party from 9pm till lateSat 11th : 7pm - 11:30pm Earth Circus Climate 4 Change Cabaret @ Circle Community
New Shoreditch Squat : bowl court off plough yard, nr jnc Shoreditch High Street and Grt Eastern St.
rampART social centre : 15-17 Rampart Street, E1 2LA -
NOID gallery : 26 Calvert Ave, London E2 7JP -
Hackney Social Centre : 231 Lower Clapton Road, E5 8EG -
Wominspace : 4a Corbridge Crescent, E2 -
Circle Community : The Old Mercedes Showroom 341 Finchley Rd -
Friday Evening @ rampART
11.04.2008 12:47
Side Stepping the Property Ladder @ rampART
From 7pm at 15 rampart street, London E1 2LA
Vegan cafe with films, presentations, info and music.
Films include:
* video vox pops from manchester about free spaces
* Trainsquatting - eastern european squatters
* Uprooted - Greek Olympics evictions
and many more
Presentations include:
* Shane Collins revisiting the highly influential Cooltan
and squat actions against the Criminal Justice Act in the 90's
* Squatters mutual aid networks and the advisory service for squatter.
* The rampART, past, present and future
more to be confirmed
Info Stalls include:
* London Coalition Against Poverty
* Advisory Service for Squatters
* Rupture Squat Zine
* Indymedia Offline and Infousurpa
all TBC
Music includes:
* Marianne Hyatt
* Half of 52 Commercial Road
* Tom from David Cronenbergs Wife
Help making the evening happen would be much appreciated, email rampart AT mutualaid DOT org if you can help skip, prepare and cook food, present a project, contribute films etc.
For info about other events taking place in London over the days of action, see

15 Rampart Street E1 2LA
Saturday and Sunday at new Shoreditch squat venue
11.04.2008 12:49
The building opens on Saturday at 10am with a program of films, discussion and skill sharing till 7pm and again on Sunday. The space will also be hosting a freeshop and squatters estate agency.
Right on the edge of the city of London, the squat is overshadowed by a massive new 700 million pound development site pushing out into Shoreditch. A huge glistening glass tower block is the first of many that will be built here, transforming the area completely. The warehouse stands alone with earth movers parked in the open area between it and the construction trains and tower blocks, an almost exact real life replica of the image used on the April2008 website.
The squat is located in Bowl Court which is up Plough Court next to the junction of Great Eastern Street and Shoreditch High Street.
You involvement is essential. We are looking for people to contribute discussions and practical workshops over the weekend. If you can help please come along to the meet up at rampART on Friday evening.
Bowl Court
The ASS benefit will be at The Hackney Social Centre on Lower Clapton Road
11.04.2008 12:50
Headjam ( punky dub ),
Pinstickers ( live dance ),
52 Commercial Rd ( this is a prog/experimental band and NOT the venue ),
Ras Simeon Judah ( live hiphop ),
The Skints ( ska ).
and more
Your ASS is mine
Shoreditch free space pics
13.04.2008 18:40
snap happy
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