Immigration Dawn Raid Protesters on Trial
migrant worker | 27.03.2008 18:23 | Anti-racism | Migration
One protester, who attempted to immobilize the Immigration Service vehicle, pleaded guilty to obstruction and a section 5 public order offense.
He was fined a total of £277 including "victim surcharge" and a contribution to state legal expenses. The magistrate said "We understand that you feel strongly about this issue but we think that this time you went to far".
One protester was released without charge and two protesters pleaded not guilty to obstruction of the police. Their case is still in progress.While in custody one of them was refused a translator and the other was strip searched.
Opposition to Dawn Raids by the Borders and Immigration Service intensified since the Home Office acknowledged in January that they are aware of the possible traumatizing effect of early-morning visits. The demonstration took place a week after the Independent reported chilling allegations of brutality by immigration officers against deportees.
migrant worker