Bath Bomb #8 out now
B B Jenkins | 18.03.2008 13:41
Issue #8
March 08
Get Reading, Get Photocopying, Get Active
Fairtrade Frolics
On Sunday 2nd March, students from Hayesfield School's Ethical Group
were joined by members of Bath Activist Network to promote the rights of
farmers and workers in developing countries in celebration of Fairtrade
Fortnight (24th February to 9th March). Some of the group dressed as
farmers while others sported Fairtrade-inspired face paint. In
wonderfully coordinated fashion; blue, green and black to compliment the
Fairtrade symbol, the campaigners took to the streets and managed to persuade
more than 200 shoppers to sign their Fairtrade Pledge to buy
fairly-traded products over other brands, in less than 2 hours! The campaigners
gave free fairly-traded bananas and cookies to those who made the
conscious decision to switch to Fairtrade. The group were also handing out
free Fairtrade-inspired recipes, including the mouth-watering Cookie
Feast Pizza recipe, and other promotional material such as the BANES
Fairtrade Directory and postcards with which to write to their store managers
asking them to stock more fair-trade products, as well as stickers and
balloons for children. The general response from the public was
positive and, not surprisingly, the freebies went down very well. The
demonstration succeeded in raising awareness of Fairtrade Fortnight through
distributing information on the best places to buy fairly-traded
products in Bath.
Tesco: Council Grows A Pair?
Our sneaky Tesco pals thought they could pull a fast one by offering
the council a paltry sum to cover the conditions imposed on them when
their planning application was grudgingly approved. This amount would
struggle to cover the cost of a half painted zebra crossing. Maybe not
even something as fancy as a zebra. A gnu maybe… Then they applied for
the conditions of their application to be varied and to allow them to
open even though the work hadn't been carried out, seeing as they'd been
so kind as to show us the money (read: as they'd now cheekily passed
the problem on to the council.) We all waited for B&NES to bend over yet
again, but nay! I read the sweet words on the planning site
'rejected' with a small chuckle. Presumably now Tesco will have to complete the
work or appeal the decision, either way they'll be losing out on dosh.
Small victories. Tesco has done similar things all across the
country, my favourite being half building a swimming pool in Holmbush in
Sussex which later had to close as they could no longer afford to run it.
Look out for the grand opening of Tescd'oh, as the residents are having
a little demo on the day, supporting Ken's Bathwick Hill Store and
those intrepid BAN folks will also be putting on a day entitled Reclaim
Your Independents which will, er, celebrate local independent shops and
pointedly ignore Tesco with fun and frolics around Ken's store. More
info to come once Tesco have stopped crying at their unfair treatment and
set a new date to open.
Free Tickets To A Free World!
Inspired by the global Freecycle network, and concerned over the huge
amounts of unwanted consumer products constantly entering landfill, the
Bath FreeShop has been going now for over 2 years, on Stall Street, the
second Saturday of every month, 12 till 3. Not only has the Methodist
Church jumped on the swapshop bandwagon, but we are pleased to
announce that a second, permanent FreeShop has spawned - on the canal at
Avoncliff! We urge all connoisseurs of the fine art of freeganism to check
it out. Give, take and free cake!
Don't Bite The Hand That Cleans Up Your Shit
One of Bath's most oddly toothed toffs has recently let the seething
hatred shared by him and his over-moneyed ilk for the working classes,
spill over into a vicious attack in the Chronicle. He started by calling
nurses at the RUH 'grubby and drunken', continuing to call them
'promiscuous' and call their hygiene in to question. Lord Mancroft, ex master
of the VWH, a local and psychotically violent fox hunting group, is
obviously unaware of the brilliant work these men and women do under shit
conditions, created entirely by rich bastards like himself opting for
private healthcare, leaving the NHS to rot. Admitted for
gastroenteritis, a particulary delicate illness involving uncontrollable diarrhoea
(whether from mouth or arse has not
been specified), Lord Mancroft gratefully launched his tirade after
being cured! Word has it that the nurses have been flooded with cards and
letters from ex-patients who do not share the disgust that Mancroft has
for hard working people who perform an invaluable service to society.
The Bath Bomb editorial would also like to send our solidarity to the
nurses doing a brilliant job under government neglect and difficult
circumstances. If I was Lord Mancroft, I'd be keeping an eye out for a
stray scalpel to the jugular next time he goes for a check up.
Epicerie Gourmande Plays For Extra Time
Blah, blah, anti-foie gras protestors outside Guildhall Market on the
23rd February blah blah blah opposing sick cruelty blah blah yawn
force-fed ducks blah blah blah mentioned it in every other BB issue blah.
But seriously, Epicerie have taken it off the shelves for now and haven't
ordered anymore in. They said they'd take it off completely if the
Chronicle did a poll. The Chron chose not to take us up on this, but
here's hoping Epicerie will make the right choice anyway. I mean, come
on, over 500 members of the public have signed their support for the
campaign - there's your poll!
Bring Our Boys Home - Let Harry Stay!
The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have been a bloody pointless
farce. Iraq is now more dangerous than ever, the war has thrown up a huge
body count, both of our troops and Iraqi civilians, and the levels of
psychological trauma experienced by troops is unequalled per capita since
WW1. And whose fault is this? Not the Iraqi and Afghan resistance,
fighting an imperialist invader. Not the troops fighting and dying for
someone else's bad idea and certainly not the children and families who
are being torn apart and butchered. Nope, this war - as with all wars -
is the fault of the rich. It was their greed, their thirst for power and
their lies that led us into this bloodbath. Harry represents that
class, and why he gets commendation for going on a bit of a holiday far
away from any fighting is beyond me. Let Blair send his sons to die in a
roadside bomb explosion and let Prescott cry over his traumatised son in
a substandard military hospital, if they're so committed to conflict.
Harry going to war was nothing more than the royal family trying to
gloss over his reputation as a drunken racist lout. He represents a class
that does nothing but lord over us and use us for their own interests.
Musing over the words of American Civil War veteran, Sam Watkins, who
wrote that this, like all conflicts, was 'a rich man's war, but a poor
man's fight,' this reporter is signing off.
Ban The Bomb: The Movie
On the south coast, Brighton-based anti-arms campaigners have been
relentlessly targeting EDO MBM, manufacturers of release mechanisms of the
Paveway missile, used in the invasion of Iraq to skull-shattering
effect. As a result, EDO MBM have made unprecedented losses, cycled through
several chief execs, and lost a high profile court case designed to
gut the protests. 'Smash EDO' have bit deep and aren't letting go. On
Tuesday the 25th of this month, in the back room of the Bell on Walcot
Street, 7.30pm, as part of their UK documentary tour, they'll show how
they've done it. About time Bath did the same with local death dealers
Horstmann and BMT (Locksbrook Road).
Local Services: Who needs 'Em?
Yet another round of post office closures threaten, but around Bath,
residents are fighting back. Well, not actually 'fighting' - this is
Bath, after all. That would be absurd. Not content with merely screwing
independent shops, the NHS, public transport, and just about every
other community resource in sight, the Government has announced targets to
axe 2,500 post offices around the country, 9 in Bath, without reason.
But for a system intent on the blinkered pursuit of profit above all
else, there's no need for reasons. Of course, they promise that the
elderly and mobility-impaired will still be well-provided for. Now shut up
Local rent-a-mob MP Don Foster has put in his support for the
anti-closure protests, and demos are running at Bear Flat, Lower Weston and
Claremont post offices on March 8th, as we go to press. There will also be
a public meeting on Tuesday March 18th, at the Guildhall, and online
council questionnaires and petitions:
Becoming vegetarian
I realized just recently that what once seemed like an impossibility -
me being vegetarian, is now almost an actuality. I would not find it
hard to completely give up meat, and rarely eat it. I don't disagree
with eating meat. What I disagree with is the mass production of meat,
the reduction of living creatures to inanimate products, and the blind
eye society turns to this. Recently there have been many mainstream TV
programmes about this issue, which is no bad thing, but we're still one
step too far removed from the process from slaughter to shelf. In an
ideal world, if we wanted to eat meat, we'd be out there hunting,
killing, preparing and leaving nothing to waste.
What is this denial doing to our quality of life? How many of us live
with constant low levels of guilt? Yes, it's hard to change. Food is
an integral part of our society, it is involved not only in our
nutrition, but also deeply interwoven with our social activities, our family
life, the way we bond with others as well as deep psychological links
with childhood. So for those of us moving from a fairly traditional,
meat-eating up bringing, there can be a lot of emotional baggage linked to
the changing of our diet.
But it's becoming more and more important to make these sorts of
changes - for your health (physical and mental) and the health of the planet
and of course animals. Small steps. There are so many good
alternatives to meat these days that even if you don't wanna give up completely,
you may as well try some. I'm not vegan either, but when I eat
something vegan and enjoy it, I think, bonus, and subtly tiptoe one step
closer to a clear conscience. Which makes most things taste nicer too. It
can also help if it's a change you make with friends, or if your
friends are vegetarian too! Good luck. (free veggie
starter kit)
We Mean Business, Philip Green
On Sunday 10th of February, the South West People and Planet groups
decided to make the sweatshop, Topshop, their target in an ongoing
campaign against the exploitation of vulnerable workers by the UK fashion
industry. The demonstration attracted much attention. Many passers-by
hadn't got a clue where the clothes they were about to buy came from, let
alone that the over-worked and unprotected factory workers in Mauritius
earn less than half of the living wage, whilst owner Philip Green rakes
in millions a year (an interestingly disgusting fact about Philip
Green - for one of his birthdays, his wife bought him a solid gold monopoly
set with his own £3.6billion assets on the board!)
One query that cropped up during the afternoon was: 'Why Topshop?' Some
in-the-know shoppers very rightly voiced their concerns over singling
out one store amongst an entire high street of culprits. We argued that
Topshop had been specifically chosen for several reasons. Primarily,
it is part of 'Arcadia', a group of popular retailers; all owned by
multi-billionaire Philip Green. Despite pressure, Green has failed to join
the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI); unwilling to take the first step
towards making his businesses fairer. In addition, being the most
popular UK clothes store amongst students, Topshop has a large potential
backing for reform. Others asked, 'where can we shop ethically?' Well,
there are of course independent fair-trade/organic traders, but they are
hardly as accessible as shops like Topshop. Therefore we suggest that
consumers in the UK show their disgust, by any means possible, at having
their favourite shops overlook the downright unjust conditions of
workers at the source of the clothes-line. With any luck, every Topshop
employee across the country will be shook up enough to influence decisions
from above. After all the customer is always right.
Monday nights - Bath Hunt Sabs Meeting, 8pm, The Bell
22nd March - Westside Climate Benefit gig, 8pm, Queens Head, Bristol
25th March - 'On The Verge' Smash EDO film, 7.30, backroom of Bell
29th March - Anti foie gras demo, meet tbc, 12-3, contact BAA or BAN
1st April - Fossil Fools Day, national action against gas, petrol, and
April 5th - Stop Climate Chaos stall, organised by FoE and Oxfam
groups, Green Park Station
9th April - Bath Animal Action meeting, backroom of Bell, 7.30-8.30
10th April - Bath Activist Network meeting, Hobgob, 7.30-9
11-12 April - National days of action for squats and autonomous spaces
12th April - Bath FreeShop, outside Pump Room, Stall Street, 12-3
13th April - more freegan shenanigans at Bath Spa University
Contact us by e-mailing Large print
e-versions available on request.
Q: Who Are Bath Activist Network?
A: A local umbrella group campaigning on issues as diverse as
development, environmentalism, anti-war, animal rights, workers' rights
and more. Helping to produce The Bath Bomb, we are open to anyone,
and our members range from trade unionists to anarchists, liberals to
greens, and people who just want to change Bath for the better. For
details on meetings, demos, or just to get in touch, ring us on 07949
611912, email, or see our website:
For further info on any of our stories see
And now, to the disclaimer: As anyone is free to contribute to this
newsletter, the opinions expressed in each article are not necessarily
reflective of each contributor. Naturally, any right-wing or corporate
bullshit will be binned and spat on. Needless to say, the opinions of
the author of this disclaimer does not necessarily represent the views of
any other contributor...
B B Jenkins