Celebration of Free Space in Leeds April 08
D | 03.03.2008 22:44
Part of the international weekend of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces around the world (see www.april2008.squat.net for more info).
A Celebration of Free Spaces
Leeds City Centre, Friday 11th - Saturday 12th April 2008
Across the world, communities are under threat as city "regeneration schemes" favour a glamorous , business-friendly environment over and above issues such as community,. social housing and diversity. Leeds is no exception as PFIs and similar privatised "regeneration" programmes threaten communities across the city.
We want to show that communities throughout our city are not prepared to lie down and accept this!
For this weekend we are planning a squatted space in Leeds City Centre, featuring:
- cafe
- focus on housing / squatting / gentrification
- free shop
- family friendly space: daytime cafe will be alcohol-free & drug-free space
- opportunity to link up with other communities threatened by the above issues
...but most importantly the space will be open for whatever you want it to be: an opportunity for films, displays, art, workshops... to get involved give us an email on leedssquat@googlemail.com or call 07526 261061.
Sidestepping The Propertry Ladder
04.03.2008 09:33
More info to be posted up over the next couple of days here and on ASS site etc.
mcr too
04.03.2008 12:42
planning meeting for manchester actions is this thursday 7.30pm in student union..