Department for Transport workers to strike
Ed | 27.02.2008 05:07 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
With salaries starting on as little as £12,528, low pay across the department has been compounded by a series of below inflation pay offers. Pay gaps of £2,524 exist between DVLA and the DfT, raising concerns over gender segregation and prompting the union to call on the DfT to conduct a departmental wide equal pay review, under the 2006 Equalities Act. In addition to the DfT, the one day stoppage will involve the:
* Driving Standards Agency (DSA), who deliver driving tests.
* Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).
* Highways Agency, who control motorway and traffic flows.
* Vehicle Certification Agency.
* Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA).
The one day strike will be followed by a campaign of action short of a strike as the union calls on the department to introduce a new common pay system across the DfT and its agencies, as well as pay awards in line with the retail price index measure for inflation.