The Judge Accuses Camins To Inflict Torture And In
ADECAF | 24.02.2008 19:28
The director and the assistant director in 2004 are imputed in the facts, happened after a riot
Pere Ríos. Barcelona. A total of 13 civil employees of prisons of Quatre Camins is to a step to seat in the prisoners' dock. The Court of Instruction number 3 of Granollers considers that they could have committed a crime of tortures and another one of injuries the night of the 30 of April of 2004, when supposedly they offered beatings to a group of prisoners like retaliation to the happened riot hours before, in that was severely wounded the assistant director of internal regime. Between the defendant the director of the jail and the medical assistant director finguran at that time.
To the civil employees of prisons, like a the police, identify themselves to them by their professional card in the judicial procedures. Those that they are accused by these facts and that with all probability will seat in the prisoners' dock have numbers 1, 40, 132, 171, 220, 242, 245, 270, 1053, 1123 and 1471.
In addition to them, the holder of the Court of Instruction number 3 of Granollers also accuses of the supposed crimes of tortures and injuries to Diego Enríquez Vázquez and Xavier Martinez Redondo. First he was the director of the jail when the supposed aggressions to the prisoners took place and was stood out by the Department of Justice of the Generalitat to the four months.
The second held the position of medical assistant director of Quatre Camins and was dismissed little. Later it resorted by the judicial channel, he was readmitido and at the moment he is destined in the jail of Ponent (Lleida). As far as the ex- director, now it holds a position of responsibility in the Territorial Commission of Penitentiary Social Attendance.
The last riot
The facts that the court for more than three years has investigated happened the dawn of the 1 of May of 2004. Hours before a riot had taken place, in which 77 of the few were rebelled more than 200 prisoners of module 1. During these facts severely wounded had left the assistant director Manuel Tallón.
This one was evacuated to a hospital and initially it was afraid for his life. After hours all the group went to the jail practically to be interested in the happened thing. Up to 200 civil employees out of service they met in the patio and they disobeyed the order to disperse that they received from the Secretary General of prisons, Albert Batlle. In the end they left the concentration and a numerous group decided to give a lesson to the prisoners by the aggression inflicted to the assistant director, according to have explained the inmates before the judge.
This way, when the prisoners were in their cells and La Paz had returned to the jail, they were removed to be transferred to other prisons. And it was in that passage when they offered all type to them of blows with a great virulence. The details that have explained to the judge the supposed victims are horrifying.
The Department of Justice, that then directed to the advisor Josep Maria Vallès, opened to an internal investigation and expedientó of way to prevent a group of civil employees, to consider that 28 prisoners could have undergone bad treatments. Finally, nevertheless, it shelved to the subject, even knowing full well that was a penal procedure in march. The habitual performance of the Administration is to suspend the transaction of that procedure in as much is not solved in via penitentiary. And not only that: that Justice did not take the case either to the judge, but that sent it to the office of the public prosecutor so that it decided what to do. This performance hard was criticized by diverse organizations of jurists of progressive character.
Meanwhile, the judicial channel began to work and now, more than three years later, the court of Granollers already has concluded the investigation that began after the denunciations presented/displayed by a group of internal supposedly beaten. The law determines that when concluding a judicial investigation, the judge has two options: or to file the cause if it thinks that the facts are not criminal or to continue with its transaction if thinks that yes they are it and of the investigated thing the existence is come off rational indications.
To the doors of the judgment
In this case, the judge has chosen by second via and has dictated a car, that technically flame of accomodation to the been brief procedure, so that the particular accusations and the public prosecutor ask for the opening to him of oral judgment or who new tests practice. The office of the public prosecutor not yet has been positioned, although in writings presented/displayed during the transaction of the cause it lets glimpse that it will formulate positions. The Department of Justice has declined to pronounce itself on the judicial decision.
Who will continue exerting the accusation will be the imprisoned denouncers. The celebration of the judgment, therefore, seems than probable more. Something would be only avoided if they prospered the resources of the defenses against this judicial writ, that practically happens never in cases thus. During the transaction of the cause the defense counsels have alleged defenselessness, but the judge has rejected that argument to consider that at any moment they have had knowledge of the investigation and have been able to allege what they considered opportune.
In addition to this judgment, in that they appear like victims, another group of prisoners, is pending of which the date of the judgment by the aggression is indicated to the assistant director of the jail. In this Vista they will be the defendant.
„You do not complain, that you are strong "
P.R. Barcelona. „You do not complain, that you are strong. You would not try that they beat to you loose “. The prisoner P.C.V. remembers that that one was the phrase that it had to hear of a doctor of the jail of Brians, to that arrived the dawn from the 1 of May of 2004 coming from Quatre Camins. According to his story, he was made him happen up to eight times, to grind it to woods, by the corridor that formed the civil employees of this center until arriving at the police van that hoped outside.
P.C.V is one of the imprisoned denouncers in this process and has also declared the judge who the civil employees took the head to him and they struck it against the song of a wall. The story of G.A.V., another imprisoned denouncer, also is heartrendering. According to his version, it was removed from the cell, immobilized newlywed and with a club. Also it happened through the corridor formed by civil employees and supported all type of blows. One caused a breach to him and they had to apply five stitches to him.
Some civil employees of prisons explained after the facts that the riot and the aggression were a cruel answer of a group of very violent prisoners before the determined will of hurt assistant director, Manuel Tallón, to fight the drug traffic in the jail and to end the supposed Mafias. Tallón had been denounced in diverse occasions by excess of rigor, but in all it left exculpated. During the riot also was wounded another civil employee, to whom the prisoners tied naked to a chair and offered all class of blows.
They have spent three years and some things have changed so that a civil employee accedes to the profession. For example, the requirement to be put under psychotechnological and a physical examination. At the time of CiU a short course was enough to dress the uniform.