Alert - M&S picket on Oxford Street cancelled for one week only
Victory to the Intifada | 21.02.2008 00:54 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Social Struggles | London
The pickets of M&S have continued for over 7 years urging people to learn about the Palestinian struggle and take action in solidarity with their struggle. Israel is able to continue its vicious racist policies and war crimes because it has the support of the most powerful governments in the world today, the US, Britain, France, Germany and other imperialist governments. Without this imperialist support the majority of Israeli citizens would not enjoy their privileged existence and the Israeli war machine used for the purpose of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people from their land would grind to a halt. Those, like us in Britain, living in the imperialist countries have the responsibility of fighting against the imperialist actions that allow Israel's occupation, Apartheid and atrocities.
Cuba remains at the forefront of international condemnation of Israel's war crimes and terrorism, recognising the catastrophic historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people and their ongoing heroic struggle for liberation. Victory to the Intifada also invite you to the Cuban Speaking Tour to hear from Orlando Borrego, Jesus Garcia and Yoselin Rufin, three Cubans from three generations of the Cuban revolution invited to Britain by Rock Around the Blockade to raise awareness about Cuban socialism. Orlando Borrego fought alongside Che Guevara in the triumphant Cuban revolution, and also worked closely with him in the ministries in the early 1960s. Jesus García has authored several books on socialism and democracy in Cuba, and Yoselín Rufín Díaz is involved in today’s energy revolution, a new stage in Cuba’s Battle of Ideas.
Cuban socialism has placed human beings at the centre of society and development. Cubans enjoy a system of social welfare provision which is among the best in the world. They have created a system of democratic representation which gives an active role to all sectors of society. The Cuban Revolution has become synonymous with international solidarity, sending doctors and educators around the globe. All this achieved despite nearly 50 years of military and political aggression from the United States, including a brutal economic blockade.
Cuba’s example is an inspiration to those fighting imperialism and underdevelopment all over the world. Now a united front has been formed in Latin America. Governments representing the working class and oppressed of Venezuela and Bolivia have united with Cuba to create the Bolivarian Alternative, directly challenging the regional and global hegemony of the United States and its allies.
The speaking tour will be an opportunity for debate and discussion, to be educated and inspired. Don't miss it!
Victory to the Intifada