BlokR Cancelled
translate | 14.02.2008 18:13 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | World
"We have achieved what we wanted. Under the current circumstances there is no more reason to move ahead with BlokR on Thursday 21. Having said this, there is still every reason to remind the politicians that Copenhagen still lacks a youth centre. This Thursday we will therefore demonstrate just as we have been for the recent 51 Thursdays." says Nadja from BlokR.
Press Statement of BlokR
14.02.2008 23:10
BlokR was aiming to lay siege to Copenhagen City Hall on the 21st of February to put Ungdomshuset (the Youth House) on the agenda. That has now been accomplished. A negotiation process has been initiated and the politicians have put forth a house whose neighbours are now in the process of being heard concerning their views. This is without a doubt the achievement of BlokR.
"We've accomplished what we were originally after. In the current situation there it is no longer necessary to carry through BlokR on Thursday the 21st of February. That being said, it is still important to remind the politicians that Copenhagen is still lacking a youth house. On this Thursday, therefore, we will demonstrate as we have done every Thursday for the last 51 weeks," says Nadja from BlokR.
BlokR has mobilized lots of activists. We aim to show that on this Thursday by a demonstration relay where each of the four demonstration blocks will fill the streets of Copenhagen. Even if BlokR has put Ungdomshuset on the agenda, we take nothing for granted. We cannot hold community kitchens and concerts in a declaration of purpose (which is all the politicians have really given us so far, - trans.).
Nadja continues: "The neighbour hearings have given the politicians time to breathe, but they should not feel too safe. We still do not trust the politicians not to draw out the process. Therefore we will take to the streets massively when they next have the opportunity to solve the problem, when the city council meets on the 3rd of April."